Love Exalted Wiki

Victor is the main protagonist of a pokemon fanfic series, Pokemon Dominion and 3 movies along with it's spin off series, Pokemon: The Critical Journeys.

He is a kind and adventurous pokemon trainer who saved all of Galar from Eternatus and then becoming the Champion and went on many adventure as well stopping villains from either destroying or taking over the world.

What Makes Him a Love Exalted?[]

  • He was always kind and protective towards his friends and pokemons as well his rivals.
  • Saved many pokemons who were abandoned by their trainers as well allowing them to join his team sometimes.
  • Sacrifices himself to save all of his friends from Chairman Rose's trap as well defeating him even if he nearly lost half of his life.
  • Sacrifices himself again to save Gloria and his pokemons as well to save all of Galar to stop Eternatus.
  • Stopped Sordward and Shielbert from corrupting Zacian and Zamazenta, as well confronted them after they mock Sonia. While he was lethal towards them however it is later justified.
  • Was willing to help Kubfu to bring his powers as well stopping the Spike Gang from causing havoc on Isle of Armor.
  • Helped Klara with her training as well comforting her from her stress.
  • Helped Lillie and Gladion reconnect together as well saving their mother from being brainwashed.
  • Saved the Crown Tundra Pokemons and The Ultra Beasts even giving them redemption.
  • Helped Risa with catching an Eevee as well giving her advices about Pokemons.
  • Helped Callahan with his niece as well giving him Sudowoodo to protect him.
  • Sacrifices himself to save Zeraora and Margo from being corrupted by Marshadow's Darkness.
  • Stopped Marshadow from turning Fula City into darkness as well redeeming themselves.
  • Depending on each episodes, he was willing to help people from their problems as well stopping various villains from doing their plans.
  • Willing to help and protect pokemons who were abused by their trainers.
  • Stopping Giovanni from his plans as well giving a chance of redeeming himself.
  • Stopped Dominio from destroying pokemons and the world.