Love Exalted Wiki
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Stanley "Caveman" Yelnats IV is the main protagonist of the 1998 novel Holes and the 2003 film adaptation of the same name.

Framed for stealing a pair of shoes, Stanley is sent to Camp Lake Green where he's force to dig holes.

Stanley is portrayed by Shia LaBeouf.

What Makes Him Love Exalted[]

  • Accepted staying in Camp Greenwood until his innocence is proven despite being forced to go there.
  • Helps the campers of Camp Greenwood despite their initial hostility towards them.
  • Went to find Zero when he was lost in the desert and cared for him.
  • Displayed sympathy for Zero when his tragic backstory is told to Stanley.
  • Refused to leave Zero and stood up for him.
  • Lifted his family's curse by taking Zero to the Big Thumb.
  • Helped Zero find Kissin Kate Barlow's treasure.
  • Forgave Zero when he revealed he stole the shoes and framed Stanley for it.
  • Stood up to Warden Walker after having dealt with her for too long.