Love Exalted Wiki
Danganronpa V3 CG - A flashback to the killing game (2)

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Shinjiro "Shinji" Aragaki is a supporting protagonist and party member in the video game Persona 3. He is a former member of Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad|S.E.E.S. who left the group after a tragic incident where he briefly lost control of his Persona, but rejoined after the joining of Ken Amada, whose mother he accidentally killed. He is also the childhood best friend of Akihiko Sanada, who knew him and his sister when she was still alive.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • He saving Jupeni, Yukair and protagonist from street thugs.
  • Akihiko tell him Ken join the S.E.E.S. he rejoin the group for protect him.
  • Ken find out Shinjiro accident kill his mother by his Persona want revenged he warn him once kill person there no going back.
  • He sacrifice himself to Protect Ken Amada by   Takaya Sakaki gun shot mortally wound.
  • His death played Sympathetic.