Love Exalted Wiki
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Po, wait. What goes on in your head, I really don't always understand. But what goes on in your heart will never let us down.
~ Shifu to Po.

Shifu is the deuteragonist of the franchise called Kung Fu Panda.

Shifu is a student of the late Master Oogway, the Furious Five's mentor and Po's mentor, as well as the step-father of Tai Lung and Tigress.

He is voiced by Dustin Hoffman.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • While he was introduced as a harsh mentor to the Fiev and Po, he warmed up to them and became a better person.
  • Despite Tai’s fall to villainy, he couldn’t bring himself to attack him, considering the snow leopard to be his son.
  • He apologized to Tai Lung for having pushed him too hard.
  • He allowed himself to become a Jade Warrior so Tigress could warn the Panda Village about Kai's arrival.

External Links[]
