Love Exalted Wiki
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Danganronpa V3 CG - A flashback to the killing game (2)

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~ Scorpion's most famous quote.
Vengeance will be mine!
~ Scorpion's Battle Cry in Mortal Kombat (2011).
My name is Hanzo Hasashi! You killed my wife! My son! And then you burrowed your way into my head. Misdirected my vengeance. Cost me my one chance to have them restored!
~ Scorpion to Quan Chi in Mortal Kombat X.
Blood for blood. Your debt is paid.
~ Scorpion to Quan Chi after killing him in Mortal Kombat X.

Scorpion (real name: Hanzo Hasashi) is formerly a specter from the Netherrealm. He is the mascot of NetherRealm Studios and is one of the main protagonists in the Mortal Kombat series of fighting games.

From Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe to Mortal Kombat X and in the MK Legends films, he is voiced by Patrick Seitz. In Mortal Kombat 11 he is voiced by Ron Yuan.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

Original Timeline[]

  • Even though he joins the Forces of Darkness, he still cares deeply about his family and clan.

Alternate Timeline[]

  • He cares deeply about his apprentice Takeda, saving his life many times.
    • He saved Takeda and his brother Kenshi when they are in danger of being killed by red dragon.
    • He saved Takeda from Forrest Fox.
    • He saved Takeda from Havik.
  • He raised Takeda as his own and takes him on as an apprentice.
  • After being fatally wounded, he chose to die instead of saving himself with his demon powers.
  • He reconciled with Sub-zero and apologizes for killing his brother.
  • When facing his past self, he gets mortally wounded. He uses his last moments to give advice to his past self and inspired him to move forward from the death of his family, redeeming him.

New Era[]

  • After the Armageddon Battle, he redeems himself after Satoshi Hasashi, his son faked his death and subverted his anti-heroic traits and most of his corrupting qualities.
  • He helps Liu Kang and the Forces of Light defeat Shang Tsung and the Forces of Darkness.

External Links[]
