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~ Scoobo, after changing into a random costume in "SSJ Plush Short: Action or Science!".

Scoobo Doobo Norriso, better known as Scoobo, is the deuteragonist of The SuperSonicLogan Series Show (2016-2017) and tritagonist of the SuperSonicJoseph series.

He is voiced by Joseph DiAngelo Sanford.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • He takes joy into protecting everyone in the Animal Kingdom.
  • Despite being brash, overconfident and aggressive, he does have a heart of gold, is often a nice guy and has shown empathy towards several people, even his enemies many times such as Eggman (the one he loves mocking and ridiculing the most).
  • While he follows the rules of the kingdom; he always follows his own rules, plays by his own rules and knows how to take care of business regardless.
  • He comically punishes unethical troublemakers like Mickey and "Mario" (Sith Cynical in disguise) for causing trouble and mayhem in the kingdom. Scoobo can and will discipline them in any way, no matter what method Scoobo chooses to do, and the way he typically does it in such a chaotic fashion it's a joy to watch.
    • He even went through the route of beating up Mickey to punish him for torturing an innocent dog in "SSL Movie: The Dog!".
  • He is the Animal Kingdom's most trusted sheriff for Frog Goodman's anarchic organization because of having a whole-hearted level of dedication and passion put into his job positions as an energetic crimefighter and Sonic's deputy, which goes to the point Scoobo is very patriotic and follows rules made by the president despite his chaotic ways of crimefighting.
  • While he can get sadistic and violent in the goofiest ways possible (and is also the first to alert Sonic of a situation for him to take care of), Scoobo does prove to be one of the best protective fighters that wasn't Sonic in the kingdom. Scoobo uses his countless superpowers from his running imagination, cleverness and his gutsy courage put into his heroic acts, to combat evildoers on his own. This makes him a resourceful One-Man Army in the best way.
  • He always seems to have fun with (and finding the fun in) solving problems with Sonic, minor or major. Scoobo even has tons of fun with making Eggman receive his humble pie in many brutal ways that feels earned; no matter how crazy his situations get.
  • He will always work with Sonic by his side, even if there is danger to come around.
  • He uses tons of resourcefulness and unpredictability to utilize and apply it in some acts of trickery and deception that helps him save the day, to suit his super heroic acts as seen in many episodes like "SSJ Plush Adventure: The Cadre and the Thundery", "SSJ Plush Short: Maximum Coolness", and especially the episode "SSJ Plush Adventure: Readapted Super Mario!" (which highlights his most prominently resourceful moment of killing Sith Cynical, to prevent other bodies from being harmed and possessed).
  • He helps Sonic rescue his son from being killed by Eggman and his hired thief in "SSJ Plush Adventure: Napped!".
  • He takes on Usurper Eggman by fighting him with all his might, and resort to stealing one of Eggman's powerful belts, to distract Eggman during his attacks of malefic. Which resulted in Scoobo and Sonic defeating Eggman in comedically violent ways in "SSJ Plush Short: Difference? What Difference?".

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