Love Exalted Wiki
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Danganronpa V3 CG - A flashback to the killing game (2)

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This world is so messed up! The weak are left to fight for themselves, while rotten adults get away with whatever they want!
~ Ryuji Sakamoto
You piece of-I sat here while you went on and on and on…You got NO right sayin’ that shit to Sophie! Y’hear me!? You high-an’-mighty, garbage-ass, piece o’ SHIT can’t even show your own face! She’s bugged, huh!? She’s worthless!? You got all that from five friggin’ questions?! We’re Sophie’s friends, and we KNOW she’s awesome! She’s friggin’ amazing! A million times better than you! SO SHUT THE F*CK UP, IDIOT!
~ Ryuji raging at the Okinawa Lock Keeper.
I don’t know how long you lived but you’re the perfect example of a pain-in-the-ass old man!
~ Ryuji standing up to Yaldabaoth.

Ryuji Sakamoto, also known as Skull, is one of the main characters of the video game Persona 5.

In the Japanese version, he is voiced by Mamoru Miyano, who also voiced Riku from Kingdom Hearts. In the English version, he is voiced by Max Mittelman.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

External Links[]
