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I'd throwing the biggest, hugest, sickest party ever! And invite everyone here! Booyah!
~ Owen if he wins the finals.

Owen, labeled The Party Guy, is one of the protagonists of the Total Drama franchise.

What Makes Him Loved?[]

  • He is one of the few competitors without any selfish or greedy intent, actually being incredibly selfless. This especially helps him stand out towards the end of Island, where everybody else is serious and often darkens the mood.
  • He constantly brightens the mood whenever he is around and shows friendliness towards ever character, even less heroic characters like Heather and Chris.
  • He cares greatly about his family, becoming motivated to earn money to save them from debt.
  • Even if not all of his jokes land with the audience, he is meant to always be funny in almost every scene he is.
  • While he did cuss out Heather in the confessional, this was absolutely deserved due to her actions and he immediately told her nothing personal about it.
  • He falls in love with Izzy and forms a wholesome relationship with her, despite how crazy she is.
  • He offers to use his money he would win to throw a massive party for the other competitors, earning the affection of all of them. He even plans to invite Gwen, despite being her opponent during the finale.
  • He is given heavy sympathy when his jaw is broken and must eat liquids to get by.
  • While he did work as a spy for Chris to try and sabotage the remaining contestants, he felt immense remorse over this and only did this to pay off his family's debt.
  • He helps Blaineley, who's presented as a Hate Sink up until meeting him, learned to enjoy herself and stop being superficial constantly.
  • His friendship with Noah is one of the most enjoyable pairings as Noah's sarcastic and grim demeanor helps counterbalance his constantly upbeat attitude. While Noah can be rude to him on occasion, Owen never takes his insults personally.
  • Despite being enemies, him and Kitty team up to hook up her sister, Emma, and Noah together, with Emma being the first affection for anybody Noah has ever felt.

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