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Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.
~ Optimus Prime's motto.
Autobots, transform and roll out!
~ One of Optimus Prime's catchphrases.

Optimus Prime, formerly known as Orion Pax, is the main protagonist of the Transformers franchise.

He is the leader of the heroic Autobots, sworn protectors of humanity and Cybertron, and battles against the menace of the Decepticons and their evil ruler Megatron. Optimus Prime's main disguise has tended to be a large truck and he is generally seen as one of the most powerful Autobots on Earth.

He was voiced by Peter Cullen.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • He overall embodies numerous admirable qualities that are ideal for a leader, such as selflessness, bravery, honor, integrity, compassion and resilience.
  • He fights for freedom and equal rights of all life.
  • He always displays courage and determination, whether by leading the Autobots in battle, saving innocents at the risk of his own life, or standing up to tyranny.
  • He protects the Earth and humanity from the Decepticons.
  • He often achieves his goals and wins battles by utilizing his intelligence and strategic thinking in addition to physical strength.
  • He humbly admits his mistakes whenever he makes them.
  • He overcomes his brainwashing by the Quintessons and sacrifices himself to destroy their trap.
  • He stops the Hate Plague and brokers a temporary truce with Galvatron and the Decepticons.

External Links[]
