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If you define yourself by the power to take life, the desire to dominate, to possess...then you have nothing.
~ Obi-Wan to Darth Maul.
For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire.
~ Obi-Wan teaching Luke about the Jedi.
Who's the more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows him?
~ Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The Force will be with you, always.
~ Obi-Wan to Luke Skywalker, one of the most iconic movie quotes of all time
Obi-Wan Kenobi, also known as Ben Kenobi, is one of the protagonists of the Star Wars franchise.
In the original trilogy, he was portrayed by the late Alec Guinness. In the prequel and sequel trilogies, he was portrayed by Ewan McGregor, who also voiced Rodney Copperbottom in Robots and Lumiere in the 2017 live action remake of Beauty and the Beast.
He alongside his master Qui-Gon tried to negotiate peacefully with the Trade Federation.
He helped Qui-Gon rescue Padmé and her allies from the Trade Federation.
After defeating Darth Maul, he comforted a dying Qui-Gon and kept his promise to training Anakin as his own Padawan.
Attack of the Clones[]
When offered to join Dooku, he refused.
He courageously dueled Dooku in an attempt to stop him from escaping.
The Clone Wars[]
After all he and Anakin endured when held captive by Hondo, he let the Weequay pirate go and warned him that Dooku did not shared the same honor he and Anakin had as Jedi.
He was disgusted with Anakin for killing Tal Merrik after all he had done.
After Maul killed Satine in front of him, he refused to give into the darkside or seek revenge after all Maul had done.
After Ahsoka’s name was cleared, he admitted that the Jedi Council was wrong.
He never revealed to the Jedi Council about Anakin’s secret marriage.
Revenge of the Sith[]
He defeated and killed General Grievous.
After surviving Order 66 and entering the Jedi Temple with Yoda, he warned the surviving Jedi to go into hiding.
When learning Anakin had become Palpatine’s new apprentice Darth Vader, he initially wanted to face Palpatine alone, not having the willingness to kill Anakin, who was like a brother to to him. Yoda rightfully tells Kenobi that he can not death Darth Sidious and must face Anakin.
After Vader force choked Padmé, he rightfully points out to his former apprentice that his anger and lust for power had allowed him to be manipulated by Palpatine and become everything he was meant to destroy.
He defeated Vader by severing both of Vader’s legs and left arm, preventing him from reaching his full potential.
After defeating Vader, he brought Padmé to a medical facility on Polis Massa so she could deliver her twins.
He promised to watch over Padmé‘s son Luke on Tatooine.
When he went to rescue Leia on Daiyu, he game a homeless clone credits to pay for a meal despite being betrayed by his clone troopers.
After cutting open Vader’s mask after a long duel, he apologized for all that happened.
He forgave Reva for all she did and assured her that she can find redemption.
He rescued Ezra Bridger, who had collapsed in the deserts of Tatooine.
He helped Ezra realized that Maul had manipulated him.
He sent Ezra away when Maul confronted them despite Ezra offering to help.
After defeating Maul, he held him in his dying moments and confirmed he was protecting the chosen one.
A New Hope[]
He saved Luke, R2, and C-3PO from Tusken Raiders.
While he was not truthful with Luke about what happened to his father, he only did this to keep Luke from falling to the dark side.
He politely warned Ponda Baba and Cornelius Evazan to leave Luke alone, and only cut of Ponda’s hand when he drew his blaster.
He sacrificed his life so Luke and his allies could escape.
The Empire Strikes Back[]
He convinces a reluctant Yoda to train Luke in the ways of the force.
Return of the Jedi[]
He apologized to Luke for not revealing what truly happened to his father.