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Oh no, well, I know Ulysses is still alive, i have to go and find him!
~ Nisa on her way to rescue the crew against Cyclop.
Hold it! I wouldn't eat those if i were you, those two are way past their sell-by date, but me, i’m both fresh and delicious.
~ Nisa saves Diomedes and Philo from being eaten and saving herself.
You’re alive, You’re alive! You’re alive!
~ Nisa seeing Zephyr alive.
Don’t worry Ouveya, No one will harm you. I promise you that i won’t leave you alone.
~ Nisa after saving Ouveya.
Goodbye Ouveya. And congratulations, you were very brave.
~ Nisa’s farewell to Ouveya.
Nisa is one of the main characters of the French-German animated TV series Mission Odyssey.
What Makes Her Love Exalted?[]
She is very caring and selfless, evidenced by her willingness to sacrifice her life for her crew mates when Poseidon attacked them.
She takes no amusement in harming her enemies.
She rescued Ouveya, a stranger that she didn’t even know.