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It was before that, two things. You remember, during the war, we did some bad things and bad things happened to us. War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other. I was very young, and very angry. Maybe that is no excuse.
~ Niko.
Life is complicated. I killed people. Smuggled people. Sold people. Perhaps here... things will be different.
~ Niko Bellic in Grand Theft Auto IV's first trailer, and his most famous quote.
I'm a hitman, who works for organised crime syndicates. My life ended many years ago when I saw my childhood friends butchered on a hillside. I'm a one-man crime wave who has killed indiscriminately since I turned up here, but inside I just want to be loved. Loved or killed, I guess. I don't know which.
~ Niko to Alex Chilton.
What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]
He cares deeply about his cousin Roman.
When Roman is about to be attacked by his loan sharks, Niko gives him a call to escape, saving him.
When Roman is getting attacked, Niko saves him.
He protects Bobby Jefferson.
He protects Jimmy Pegorino and his bodyguard.
He kills Pegorino and all his men in order to avenge Kate's death, taking down the Pegorino crime family.
He helps Cherise Glover by protecting her from her abusive boyfriend, and assaults him to teach him a lesson.
Niko helps Hossan Ramzy get the money he needs.
He defeats Eddie Low.
He decided to retire from his criminal life and help Roman despite being a wanted criminal.