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June, no one expects you to have her. They're waiting for a person, not a superhero. Even if you did get all those kids out.
~ Moira convincing June that it's not her fault for not getting Hannah out of Gilead.

Moira Strand is a major protagonist in the Hulu series The Handmaid's Tale, the television adaptation of the novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood.

She is a former Handmaid and best friend to June Osborne who was forced to become a Jezebels worker after an escape attempt, only to escape Gilead for good by killing a Commander and fleeing to Canada. After her escape, Moira becomes a member of the U.S. embassy and helps Gilead refugees, eventually finding June herself in Chicago and successfully smuggling her out of Canada.

She is portrayed by Samira Wiley.

What Makes Her Love Exalted?[]

  • Helps Janine to calm down when she is acting mentally unstable in the Red Center in order to prevent her from being punished by the Aunts.
  • Breaks herself and June out of the Red Center, she nearly gives herself up to save June once they reach a train station they can escape on, only stopping once its clear that she can't save June and only herself.
  • She kills a Commander trying to rape her at Jezebels and escapes to Canada.
  • Once in Canada she begins living with Luke Bankole, June's husband, and later helps him to raise Nichole after she is smuggled out of Gilead by Emily.
  • She begins working a member of the U.S. embassy in order to help refugees from Gilead.
  • During the mission to bring aid to the people living in Chicago, Moira finds June and smuggles her back into Canada.
  • She continues to support June despite her deteriorating mental state, this is best seen when June has a breakdown over the fact that she is coming back to Canada without her daughter Hannah and believes that Luke will hate her for it, but Moira ensures her that there was nothing she could do to save Hannah at that point.
  • During June's sanity slippage she encourages the other escaped Handmaids to give into violence, something Moira dissuades as she understands the risks of doing so.
  • She helps June and Luke flee from Canada after it becomes clear they are no longer safe from violent Gilead supporters.

External Links[]


           The Handmaid's Tale intertitle Love Exalted

Inside Gilead
Janine Lindo | Moira Strand | Rita Blue

Outside Gilead
Luke Bankole | Mark Tuello
