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Shadow, I beg of you, please do it for me... for a better future! For all of the people who live on that planet... give them a chance to be happy... let them live for their dreams. Shadow, I know you can do it. That's the reason you were brought into this world. Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog.
~ Maria Robotnik's last words.

Maria Robotnik is a major character in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. She is the granddaughter of Professor Gerald Robotnik, cousin of the series' main antagonist Dr. Eggman, and the closest companion of Shadow the Hedgehog.

What Makes Her Love Exalted?[]

  • She was always optimistic no matter what the circumstances were, especially the fact that she knew she was eventually going to die.
  • She cared about her grandfather, Professor Gerald Robotnik, and her best friend, Shadow the Hedgehog.
  • Unlike Shadow, and especially Black Doom, Maria never viewed humans as an inferior species.
  • In Shadow the Hedgehog, Maria tries to convince Shadow to help her grandfather and the scientists and if Shadow starts killing members of the Ark, she will ask him to stop.
  • She saved Shadow's life at the cost of her own.
  • She made a promise to Shadow that he would protect the humans and the Earth no matter the costst.
  • As revealed in Sonic Frontiers, she was beloved by her family even after her death, to the point she overshadowed Eggman despite being long gone by the time he was a child (which is heavily implied to be one of his main causes for being a villain). Despite this, she was remembered as someone so nice Eggman still can't hate her, only wondering if his artificial daughter, Sage, is anything like Maria.
  • Unlike many Sonic characters (including Sonic himself), Maria is the one of the only characters who have no form of corrupting factors (along with Cream). While Tails and Amy are also Pure Good, they both had corrupting factors at first.

External Links[]


            Sonic the Hedgehog logo Love Exalted

Sonic the Hedgehog | Miles "Tails" Prower | Amy Rose | Big the Cat | Cream the Rabbit | Maria Robotnik | Silver the Hedgehog | Blaze the Cat | E-102 Gamma

NostalgiaSquare | Green Square | Molly |
