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Danganronpa V3 CG - A flashback to the killing game (2)

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Makoto Naegi, also known by his title The Ultimate Hope, is main protagonist of the Hope's Peak saga of the Danganronpa franchise, and the main protagonist and POV character of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • Attempting to calm down Sayaka after the latter saw her motive video that contained footage of her idol friends that were heavily implied to be dead or in danger.
  • Forgiving both Sayaka for attempting to murder him and Leon for killing Sayaka and trying to get away with it during the first trial, instead believing that what happened was Monokuma's fault for pushing them into committing said actions. He also refused to let anyone forget their deaths and instead aimed to avenge the two by uncovering the mastermind's identity.
  • Not showing scorn towards Sakura even when she was revealed to be Monokuma's mole.
  • Endangering himself in order to protect Kyoko from being labeled as the culprit of the murder of Mukuro Ikusaba.
  • Getting the surviving students out of the despair they had all fallen into after Junko told them about the Tragedy that had enveloped the outside world.
  • Trying to stop Junko from executing herself when he plan fell apart thanks to him and his classmates, even after he became aware of all the horrible things she did.
  • Protecting the Remnants of Despair from being executed by the Future Foundation and smuggling them to Jabberwock Island to rehabilitate them in secret.
  • Redeeming Kyouske Munakata by emphasizing with his pain over the death of his love interest, Chisa Yukizome with his own experience of losing a loved one; Kyoko's supposed death.

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