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Mai Sakurajima is the main female protagonist in the light novel, manga and anime Seishun Buta Yarou, commonly known as Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai. She is a popular young actress, but wasn't really recognized by others due to her case of Puberty Syndrome, besides Sakuta Azuagawa. She helps Sakuta and her friends to heal Puberty Syndrome cases, and sacrifices her life in the end until Sakuta revives her.

She was voiced by Asami Seto in Japanese version and by Erica Mendez in English version.

What Makes Her Love Exalted?[]

  • While Mai did come across as somewhat more cold and serious in the beginning of the series, her attitude is completely understandable since she was basically betrayed and used as a tool during her childhood.
  • Since she starts trusting Sakuta, she begins to lighten up as the series processes, and becomes less melancholic and more cheerful.
  • She suddenly shows compassion towards Kaede, helps her open up and is generous to her.
  • She is actually an extremely kindhearted, helpful, and selfless person by heart, which is shown more and more as the series goes on.
  • Since Sakuta was the one to find out why she really exists, she saves him from his bad reputation as he was believed to be a violent delinquent, stopping the rumors about him.
  • She helped healing the Puberty Syndrome case of Rio Futaba.
  • After her half-sister Nodoka ran away from home, she decides to adopt her.
  • Despite of how her mother treated her, she ends up talking to her again and forgives her.
  • She sacrifices herself in order to save Sakuta and Shoko, respectively from a car accident and from a heart illness that were going to kill them.
  • Since Shoko has a deadly illness, she and Sakuta agree to go back in time to where Shoko is healthy and lives happily.
  • Despite being overall mature, and professional and serious when needed, she also has a more playful and cheerful side.

External Links[]
