Love Exalted Wiki
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Danganronpa V3 CG - A flashback to the killing game (2)

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Tell me, what do you truly desire?
~ Lucifer's most famous line.
If you desire something, just take it.
~ Lucifer.
Lucifer: I wish I could do everything differently, but then I wouldn't be the devil I am right now, sitting across from you. Right here would I?
Reese: I don't know. Maybe I'm just a lost cause.
Lucifer: Nonsense. And certainly not on my watch. Because if the devil can be redeemed, then anyone can.
~ Lucifer giving a soul therapy.
Can you even begin to fathom what it was like? Eons spent providing a place for dead mortals to punish themselves. I mean why do they blame me for all their little failings as if i'd spent my days sitting on their shoulders forcing them to commit acts they'd otherwise find repulsive? Oh the devil made me do it! I have never made any one of them do anything. Ever. This is unjust. For all eternity my name will be invoked to represent all their depravity. That is the gift that my father gave me.
~ Lucifer talking about his relationship with his father and how humanity views him

Lucifer Morningstar, formerly known by his birth name Samael and also known as the Devil and Satan, is the titular main protagonist of the TV series Lucifer.

He is portrayed by Tom Ellis.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

In General[]

  • He is truthful and keeps the end of any bargain he makes.

Season 1[]

  • He convinced his friend Delilah to figure her life out.
  • He saved Chloe from Jimmy Barnes.
  • He proved the innocence of Ty Huntley after he was arrested for a crime he never committed.
  • He spared the killer of Father Frank, a priest he befriended.
  • He donates to a student's scholarship fund.
  • He saved Chloe’s kidnapped daughter.

Season 2[]

  • He was devastated that he had to kill his brother to protect Chloe.
  • He befriends Dan and realizes the struggles in his life.
  • He took pity on a woman who killed a man for raping her.
  • He selflessly allowed himself to die to acquire a poison to save Chloe.

External Links[]
