Love Exalted Wiki
Love Exalted Wiki
Anime Love Exalted
Cartoon Love Exalted
Live Action Love Exalted
Video Game Love Exalted

Anime Love Exalted

Love Exalteds from anime.

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Cartoon Love Exalted

Love Exalteds from cartoons.

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Live Action Love Exalted

Love Exalteds from live-action.

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Video Game Love Exalted

Love Exalteds from video games.

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Anime Love Exalted
Cartoon Love Exalted
Live Action Love Exalted
Video Game Love Exalted

This wiki focuses are characters who are purposely created to be praised by fans/the audience for their good character traits and/or kind actions. They can be so loveable that even their own portrayers or creators can come to love them and are enjoyable to be around with as much as possible and are still enjoyable even when they don't have to be or necessary for that matter. Most, if not, all of the characters in-universe absolutely like them. As such, Love Exalted often overlap with Pure Good heroes. They are the good opposite of Hate Sinks which are villains and other characters who are hated and despised for their negative and repulsive traits.

Their evil counterpart is Hate Sinks.



Hal, also known The Boomerang Bird, is a major character in the Angry Birds franchise

Hal debuted in Level 6 of Angry Birds known as Danger Above where he was captured but then was eventually freed, He later played a major role in the big setup, where he and Terence would later save all the birds from being captured by the pigs.

He was voiced by Antti LJ Pääkkönen in Angry birds 2.

To Vote for next month's Love Exalted For Headline, go to LEFH
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Hate Sink logoPure Good WikiNear Pure Good WikiInconsistently Admirable Wiki

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Sum41Champ Sum41Champ 4 April 2023


My fave hero

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Bazilsiraj Bazilsiraj 8 December 2021

Bureaucrat Demotion: Invisible Hover

It’s about time I make this blog. Anyway, this blog is about Invisible Hover since he is bad and at the same time an an…

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