A Love Exalted character is a type of character that is meant to be loved by the audience.
- The character is usually a type of hero or protagonist. Some cases, may not be either a hero or protagonist.
- The character is intentionally designed by the writer to be respected and they are portrayed with many positive qualities.
- The character commits acts that gets the audience to love and praise them.
Common Categories And Traits That Fit: (being worked on)
List of categories and traits that is meant for the audience to love a character.
- Adventurers
- Animal Kindness
- Counter-Terrorists
- Determinators
- Famous
- Geniuses
- Honorable
- Kids
- Loyal
- Merciful
- Nurturers
- Optimists
- Pacifists
- Protectors
- Protectors of Innocence
- Remorseful
- Rescuers
- Selfless
- Tragic
- Comic relief
Categories That Never Fit:
List of categories and traits that contrasts with Love Exalted.
- Entertainingly Detestable: Heroes that have traits similar to both Hate Sinks and Magnificent Baddies can never count as they have a lot of detestable traits making them like the former as the former is the polar opposite of Love Exalted. Unless they redeem themselves and WHOLLY REFORM their detestable qualities.
- Fake Tragic: Heroes who have genuine tragedies but have severe corrupting factors that go far past it (e.g. heinousness, criminal acts, sociopathy, grey-zoned acts) can never count as Love Exalted.
- Fallen: A fallen hero is no longer good and and thus they are meant to be portrayed with negative qualities. Unless they redeem themselves and shed all traits that prevent them from being considered incorruptible.
- Game Changer: A Love Exalted hero's appearance within the story never darkens the mood of the story.
- Heroic Sociopaths: They are too selfish, cruel, abusive, anti-heroic and grey-zoned to count.
- Near Pure Evil: Too much of full-scale villains to count.
- Pure Evil: Same reasons as NPE's.
- Rapists: Unless they show remorse, which is extremely rare and unlikely, they are too repulsive, cruel, dark and vile to fit Love Exalted.
Special Cases that Can Apply:
- Abusers: For obvious reasons, it's extremely rare for a Love Exalted hero to have committed abuse when they were villains or on a minimal amount of people they don't like.
- Affably Evil: Affably Evil villain that redeem themselves have a potential of being Love Exalted provided they meet the criteria.
- Anti-Heroes: It is very rare for Anti-Heroes to be Love Exalted.
- Arrogant: LE heroes can have a little bit of pride within themselves.
- Berserkers: Berserkers mostly have a hard time qualify as Love Exalted due to their extreme wrath, anger and violence. However, if the hero's lovable appearance in a story maintains strong weight when compared to being a Berserkers and meets all criteria, they may count.
- Chaotic Neutral: It is very rare for Chaotic Neutral heroes to be Love Exalted.
- Control Freaks: Sometimes, a lovable hero can be bossy.
- Egotists: Like anti-heroes, it is rare (but not completely difficult) for egotists to qualify as Love Exalted (falling into the awesome ego territory), as most of the time, LE heroes think about others before themselves.
- Faux Affably Evil: One of the rarest conditions for a redeemed villain Love Exalted.
- Heroes by Proxy: While Love Exalted heroes can be reluctant, heroes who definitely hated the idea of being good usually do not count. Exceptions do exist if the hero despite being a hero by proxy has enough heroic acts and moments where they are considered likeable.
- Incompetent: While LE heroes can perform wonderful acts; they can sometimes foil their own plans and can end up being played for laughs.
- Inconsistently Heinous: Usually Love Exalted heroes have a hard time qualifying but if they only commit heinous actions that aren't too hateable in general and are usually evil is cool and Magnificent Baddie allowed crimes, they can count. Usually in addition to being too comedic for NPE nor PE and having a lighthearted and positive attitude.
- Jerks: While it is hard for jerks to be Love Exalted given that they are typically unpleasant to be around, it is not completely difficult, as it might be played for laughs.
- Lawful Neutral: It is very rare for Lawful Neutral heroes to be Love Exalted.
- Lethal: Lethal heroes can be LE like Righteous Killers.
- Magnificent Baddie: Same to Inconsistently Heinous.
- Misanthropes: Although Pure Goods and Near Pure Goods cannot qualify as them because Misanthropes reside against humanity and have corrupting factors, they can only be in this, if they are Inconsistently Admirable or Heroic Benchmarks.
- On & Off: Sometimes, lovable heroes can switch sides every now and then.
- Sadists: It's hard for a Love Exalted hero to have sadism, but if it doesn't detract from their likability and have strong empathy and compassion, they could potentially count.
- Seriously Good: Seriously Good characters can sometimes be enjoyable or seriously lovable in some rare occasions.
- True Neutral: It is very rare for Truly Neutral heroes to be Love Exalted.
- Villainous Benchmark: Villainous Benchmarks that redeem themselves have a potential of being Love Exalted provided they meet the criteria.
- Xenophobes: Same thing as Misanthropes.