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Lillie' is one of the two deuteragonists of the Pokémon Sun & Pokémon Moon, as well as Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, as one of the player character's allies and traveling companions during the course of the games.

What Makes Her Love Exalted?[]

Sun and Moon[]

  • She Rescuer Nebby from Aether Paradise never use against it will open Ultra Wormhole.
  • She thanks Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet for staying there in return she tells a secret about Pokémon bring with her Nebby.
  • She tries saved nebby from sparrows from attacking it then later please Elio/Selene saved it.
  • Even she disliked Pokémon battle she enjoy friendly battle.
  • She asks Professor Kukui going journey entire Alola region to find Nebby back home.
  • After the admin of Team Skull Plumeria Aether house she is willing goes with them as long two children are uhram.
  • She please her mother Lusamine not use Nebby power too much for not only full of Ultra Wohomle with many Ultra Beasts even Nebby will "die".
  • She goes on mission along with Elio/Selene Altar of the Sunne/Moone not only restore Nebby and rescuer Guzma and her mother despite being terrible person.
  • She and Elio/Selene play a Moon Flute/ Sun Flute that evolve to Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo/Lunala .
  • She stands up for herself her mother.
  • She checks her mother that she oaky.
  • She wants to have nebby for Elio/Selene that knowing good take care it even says good-bye.
  • She going to Kanto region with her mother to recovery her she brings a Fewell gift them.

Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon[]

  • Her role is the same.
  • Her role still the same Flute/ Sun Flute that evolve to Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo/Lunala until Necrozma possession Solgaleo/Lunala.
  • She please Elio/Selene to saved Nebby form Necrozma.
  • She come to Elio/Selene house that Team Rocket Rainbow take over Aether Paradise want to ask for help to stop them even rescue her mother Lusamine.

External Links[]
