Love Exalted Wiki
Love Exalted Wiki

I wanna see you together, 'cause you like each other.
~ Letícia demonstrating her support for Pedro and Virgínia's affair.

Letícia Azevedo, simply known as Letícia, is the tritagonist of rezendeevil's 2018 romance YouTube miniseries Apaixonados (In Love).

She is the supportive friend of Virgínia as well as the defender of her right and will to date Pedro, unlike Virgínia's father (initially) and sister.

She was portrayed by the eponymous youtuber Letícia Azevedo.

What Makes Her Love Exalted[]

  • As stated by Virgínia, comparing to every other friend she's had, Letícia was always the kindest and most loyal to their friendship, always genuinely caring for Virgínia.
  • Unlike the other characters, she was the first one to support Pedro and Virgínia's romantic interests for each other from the start, and was even willing to help in making their relationship step each time closer until they're officially together.
  • She agreed to go to Virgínia's house to calm her down from her anger because of her sister Ana being annoying moments before.
  • She promised to keep Pedro's secret about his crush on Virgínia. Even though she still tells Virgínia later on, it was only because she kept insisting her to spill the beans, and besides, she also decided to tell because she noticed that Virgínia was also starting to like Pedro and considered that telling everything would boost their relationship into a better level.
  • She offered herself to go to Virgínia's house after she told her that her father had fired Pedro for his romantic interest with her, although she declined.
  • She got excited about Virgínia and Pedro deciding to date secretly. She also told her that, as much great as it sounded, she had to tell her father, sooner or later, the truth about her being sure she wanted to date Pedro and that she had the total right to do so.
  • Since Pedro was no longer working in Virgínia's house and Virgínia had had her phone confiscated by Palomino, she willingly served them as an easier way to communicate through distance with each other by going to each other's house to forward the news that one wanted to give the other.

External Links[]
