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La Muerte is the Ruler and Queen of the Land of The Remembered, as well as a major character in The Book of Life.

She is the Ruler and Queen of the Land of The Remembered and the estranged wife of Xibalba. She is the goddess of benevolence, kindness, goodness, generosity, purity, forgiveness, mercy, hope, love, passion, light and death.

She was voiced by Kate del Castillo. In the Japanese dub from the movie, she was voiced by Masako Katsuki.

What Makes Her Love Exalted?[]

  • While her husband Xibalba was cruel, La Muerte was by contrast, kind and understanding towards mortals.
  • She and her husband still get along well and she understands him enough to know that he's not completely evil.
  • She stopped Xibalba from taking an old man's soul.
  • She chose Manolo because she was confident he deserved María because of his kindness and good heart.
  • When Manolo chose to spare the life of the bull and not fight it, she didn't lose confidence that Manolo would earn María's love.
  • She summoned Manolo's deceased family from the Land of the Remembered to aid him.
  • She forgave Xibalba for his actions and reconciled with him.

External Links[]
