Love Exalted Wiki

Prince Krel Tarron is a major character in the Tales of Arcadia franchise, appearing as a minor character of Trollhunters, the deuteragonist of 3Below, a supporting character in Wizards, and a major character in the film Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • While initially arrogant and self-centered, he subverted these traits and became nicer and considered Earth a second home.
  • He uses a boombox to destroy skeltens in Arcadia Oaks High, saving the school from beings infested by skeltens.
  • He alongside his sister, Vex, and the trollhunters stop Porgon from using a charger to reset time.
  • While he did want to execute Vex for his betrayal on Akiridion-5, he was reminded that Vex wanted to die and instead chose to leave him stranded on Earth for his betrayal.
  • During the Eternal Night War he kills some Gumm-Gumms.
  • He alongside his sister give a broadcast to the rest of Akiridion-5 and they deliver a heartfelt speech about determination, standing your ground, and not giving up hope, swearing to find a way to return home and reclaim what is rightfully theirs.
  • After the Mothership was damaged and sad at the thought of being stuck on Earth forever and never seeing, Aja insists to her brother that if they can’t return home, Earth is their home for now.
  • After rewatching some of Vex’s video logs, Krel realizes that despite his betrayal, he truly cared about him and his sister. He felt regret for banishing the commander to Earth and he joins his sister and Stuart in a mission to rescue Vex from imprisonment and reconcile with him after bringing him back to Earth.
  • He alongside AAARRRGGHH!!!, Toby, Vex, and his sister race to Trollmarket to reach Gaylen’s Core before Morando.
  • He helped his parents destroy Morando with a cannon.
  • He decides to remain on Earth longer, having seen it as his second home.
  • He helps Jim defeat Bellroc.
  • He was saddened to see Toby die.