Love Exalted Wiki

I'm clean and quiet, I don't eat much (Everyone looks at Klump's bulging belly, which gurgles) Okay, I can diet... But I'm already house-trained!
~ Klump
Yeah well, don't tell no-one, but I think the others are startin' to... well, like me. Even Cranky! And I won't lie to ya Dixie, I ain't never had friends before.
~ Klump to Dixie

Klump also known General Klump secondary antagonist of Donkey Kong TV Series he right hand of King K. Rool. He is the main protagonist of episode Klump Lump.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • While he did play antagonist thought the show, he really not that evil just Klump is actually a big softy on the inside.
  • After getting fired by King K. Rool Dixide see him crying and explain in honest he had no friend.
  • He wants to join the Kong to protect the Crystal Coconut.
  • While fixing Donkey Kong elevator he thanks her for bringing his first real friend.
  • After return King K Rool give him, a mission gets Crystal Coconut and getting caught by Dixide feel shame for betray her trust he feels not only he Remorse and telling her it was King K Rool doing and want help her.
  • He and Dixie acting buy them in time until Donkey Kong arrive.
  • He asks King K. Rool to retreat was outnumbered.
  • He not only found Dixie l pet lobster Thermidor and put note attached, saying "To Dixie. Thanks".
  • After hearing Dixide nice word he crying she was his only true friend.

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