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Once someone suffered a lot to save many is a test that some are difficult to do. Forgive the cruelest of your enemies. for some it is a difficult challenge. Give your bread to the one who is hungry the most. Protect people and be alive in this world defeat evil. that's my goal
~ Katrine

Katrine Rayne is one of the main protagonists of the series "Seventh War" (along with Deadskullable). She is an archangel who wants to be a hero, but she has to pass numerous tests to show if she is worthy.

What Makes Him Love Exalted[]

  • She shows a lot of kindness to others and willing to make friends with others and willing to help everyone who needs her.
  • In the first pages of the comic he is seen defending a seller being harassed by thugs
  • She shows distaste for people who take advantage of others out of greed and selfishness
  • Save a baby in the snake attack and take her to an orphanage hospital where she is in the care of the sisters
  • She has no corrupt traits as he does not care about fame as he cares about saving people and bringing the world to peace.
  • She does not judge anyone by their appearance, showing it to Cade that he lost his humanity because of Satan by transforming him into a demon. When he freed himself from his control, he was in fear and madness for his crimes until it was Katrine who helped him get rid of the madness. and overcomes fear by gently showing him that there is humanity within him making each a demon redeemed forever
  • She saves Jack, one of the villains who tried to assassinate her while exploring her.
    • In that act she made Jack seek redemption by realizing his mistakes that led to redemption.
  • She cares for the people who fell victim to the Red Horde and healed her wounds and shared her food to give them hope that Proto would get better.
  • She helped Skullslasher get over his Hate for the world by making him redeem himself and not be as brutal as before.
  • She took on the entire Zombros army so that people would have time to escape from the concentration camps.
  • Although she decided to destroy (kill) Zombros, it is because she is an irredeemable being and impossible to contain since he is a multiversal threat and that the god himself said that there are no chains that contain that evil.
  • In the last Battle she used the Flames of creation to restore all the realities and multiverses that Zombros had destroyed, sacrificing her own life to save everyone, dying happy to fulfill her dream of being a great heroine.
  • She avoided being corrupted by darkness and rejected the dealings of the demons by avoiding temptations.
  • Both she was one of the favorite characters of both the audience and the author where he likes to write about her having positive points for that


For now love along with Deadskullable and,Sonicphantom47,Jezebel in the Dark Fantasy series
