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Danganronpa V3 CG - A flashback to the killing game (2)

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Kaede Akamatsu is a the overarching protagonist featured of Daganronpa V3: Killing Harmony. Until she's executed near the end of chapter 1, Kaede is the main protagonist of the game's prologue and of the first chapter.

What Makes Her Love Exalted[]

  • She is willing to save everyone from the killing game.
  • She encouraged cooperation and told everyone not to fight each other.
  • When Gonta found a tunnel, Kaede encourages everyone to escape by going through there.
  • Didn't give up escaping from the tunnel despite both her exhaustion and the exhaustion of everyone with her.
  • Displays remorse for bringing everyone into the exhaustion tunnel.
  • Remains positive and wants everyone to escape from the killing game, despite her classmates being rude to her.
  • She tries to keep everybody together after Monokuma activates the time limit.
  • Refused to give up on ending the killing game by escaping with her classmates.
  • Displayed remorse for killing her friend Rantaro instead of the Mastermind.
  • Proves Shuichi's innocence for murdering Rantaro at the cost of her own life.
  • Before her execution, she encouraged Shuichi not to look away from the truth and to continue trying to escape the killing game.


  • She is the current icon of the Mature Template.

External Links[]
