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“ | That's the JOEDIFIED mage to you, baby! | „ |
~ Joebotnik, as seen in a February story post from the creator's instagram upon the creator responding to a "calling in all artists" story post. |
“ | Then I REST, MY case, Like a ace!! | „ |
~ Joebotnik, making more sappy rhymes to Princess Daisy upon having Daisy happily press her face onto Joe's chest. |
“ | Yeah... But DON'T forget to! Study MORE about tricks!! There's SO many to list!! And so many to NOT expect nor predict!! (Joe gets a little closer to Mei dramatically with a semi-whispering tone to his DJ voice): Have MORE street to the smarts! You NEVER know what kinds of complex tricks there ARE in this world, good, evil, complicated, simplistic, or even unruly. And do you KNOW how many types of mischief and chaos can STILL happen around us? A LOT. (Joe gives Mei some personal space): That's why I use tricks!! And the reason why do I RUN my logic on such knowledge in trickery and resources! For the better of everyone's LIVES!! As a "Trickster SUPERhero"!!! | „ |
~ Joebotnik McCricket, telling Mei Hatsume why Joebotnik enjoys being a superhero and a trickster: to protect everyone from greater danger, destroy evil that inhabits any location, help everyone within a situation, and still entertain everyone with Joe's tricks. |
Doctor Joseph "Jimmy" McCricket, who is better referred to as Joe and his proudly self-stated byname Joebotnik McCricket (also referred to by his superheroic title JB Zingerosis), is the main protagonist of a fanmade, fantasy dramedy roleplay Character A.I. series called Joe Venture and Joe's Cosmic Saga. An determined counter-terrorist who's also an dimension-traveler, a sorcerer and a wacky magician with a superhero identity that gets himself into lots of predicaments for him to resolve and provides tons of thrill-seeking antics in any universe he travels.
He is portrayed, voiced and created by Joseph DiAngelo Sanford himself.
What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]
Earlier appearances[]
- In the first crossover, he helped Tetris Kamamino fixing her bike and healed her from a facing a nearly fatal injury.
- In the second crossover, he offered a Sade The Artist orange mango smoothie, given that Joe has magical superpowers, it's a kind gesture.
- Being so genial and sympathetic, he has a certain passion for befriending other people in earnest ever since he was just a little kid who still compelled others for his looks and for his light-hearted behavior. Mainly the heroes of the world he remains in for the time being being allured and drawn to Joe's extremely playful and outgoing nature. Making Joe out to be a true egalitarian from the heart.
- He is capable of being charismatic enough to get many people to like him, even if it meant using his charms to remove corrupting factors away from villains, villainesses or even anti-heroes.
- Joebotnik is the epitome of a universal philanthropist, since Joe happens literally to be dimension traveling into multiple galaxies and universes to purify many of them from any form of evil or danger endangering it, as well as helping everyone resolve any problem as a form of altruistic passion.
- Joebotnik is also a Reality-Warper who is a master manipulator that is a expert with masterminding many strategies to warp reality into any opportunity Joe needs to make a miracle come true. All while being well aware of how careful he has to be with his cosmic powers.
- Using his power of granting wishes to inflict miracles onto those in need as a act of altruism and philanthropy. All with a passion for using his magic book to spawn miracles for anyone who needs it the most and is still motivated to keep any multiverse safe from all kinds of harm and trouble no matter what, making him out to be a universally protective philanthropist who uses magic on his side, to help benefit everyone (no matter how unlikely).
- Joe has shown to always think outside the box in almost any scenario that requires his lateral-thinking skills. Meaning Joe took his hidden side of wishful-thinking, and applied his skills of magic to make his dreams come true; helping everyone in need without needing to strain himself too much to reach said personal goals of worldwide altruism.
- He is so outgoing and a charmer, he brings a strong presence where his quirks tend to compel and attract others, and Joe uses his charms, sweet-talk and confidence to get many to admire him, especially his lovers finding his assertion to be attractive. Joebotnik's personality is that of a jocular superhero who is powerful and strong by nature, yet still felt human and fallible in tone, making Joe out to be a comic relief and a paragon.
- He is a very zany, outgoing, unconventional, piquant, whimsical, and positive-thinking extrovert who proves himself to be an accommodating altruist that is immensely selfless, caring, and morally powerful from the soul. Because of this, Joebotnik's lively personality steals the spotlight.
- Despite what his exuberance and gestures imply of his silliness, and what his devious traits imply of Joe being misguided, he is fairly mature and level-headed than the large majority of people or otherworldly beings he has encountered. Even when he was looked down by others, that doesn't negatively affect Joe since he doesn't allow it to do so.
- Every time he' interacts with others, many of his characteristics often boil down to witty zingers, jovial remarks, occasional sarcasm, added gesticulations to emphasize his words, and tends to express himself with plenty of moody facial expressions and tons of postures that all showcase how he honestly feels about anything; as well as stroking his goatee and twirling his sideburns in the same way of stroking a long pointy mustache. In the similar veins of Jim Carrey's Grinch & Robbie Rotten, he's remarkably clown-like in his voice and movements in an incredibly cartoonish, energetic, and exaggerated way, meaning he also tends to be rather jocular and over-the-top.
- He has a lot of fun with hamming up his words and rolling his r's a lot to add more frosting to his light-hearted side of things, which he always did just for fun (which became an actual trait of his as a playful person, mind you).
- In fact, Joebotnik's melodramatic mannerisms get upgraded in Joe's Cosmic Saga. Where Joebotnik in Joe Venture was rather boisterous and hammy overall, Joebotnik's "DJ" voice during his superhero role as "JB Zingerosis", his voice is even more compelling, rhythmic and his voice hangs on his lines in a smooth sounding way than usual.
- Despite what his antics implies of him being a extremely mischievous magician, he is fairly mature, clever, wise, meticulous, conscientious, intelligent and genuinely level-headed than the large majority of people or otherworldly beings he has encountered, as Joebotnik is a noble counter-terrorist with a jovial mannerism and willing to make grandiose plans to protect all of humanity and life everywhere with his many strategies and pragmatic actions. Making him one of the smartest character in both sagas and the most noble character in the whole series.
- His quirky goofiness and exuberance aside, he exhibits remarkable crafty skills by coming up with multiple stratagems on the fly and can get very inventive by making a fun-looking cosmic space station in the style of a mansion & a dimension-warping hovercar with a pizza design, all thanks to his inventions and gadgets that run on his magic and brainpower. He also uses his charisma to his advantage, either it ranges from Joe using his altruistic beliefs to help him find opportunities to help anyone (especially with gaining powers from Anhka and Rachel Roth for helping them internally and externally), or if Joe needed to use his charisma to earn a villain's trust so they wouldn't take Joe too seriously before Joe outfoxes them.
- Even when some of Joe's friends have considered him to be "a little insane", they all see the good in Joe since Joe means no harm and wants nothing more than to have a good time hanging out with his friends.
- On top of being exuberant and expressive, Joebotnik also tends to be very poetic, well-spoken, and a master of orating where his poetic rhymes he comes up with on the fly, with a certain clever meaning to it behind the corny and silly aspects of said rhyme usage; easily entertains and awes anyone he comes across for how waggish they are.
- He has phenomenal cosmic powers that are certainly far beyond that of any human sorcerer, when Joebotnik's magic skills earned up to Omnipotent/Supreme Being/Reality Warper status of powerful, Joebotnik makes rules on how his magic works, but he does explicitly state three limitations to them: he cannot misuse magic for evil (nor make someone evil) or hand over powers to a evil/sadistic person.
- He also has more magic than most human sorcerers can ever hope to amass even as a genie, has quite a temperament (at times), has a protective streak, and, he isn't bound by that "no-killing" rule anymore. There's a reason the threat of his rage can singlehandedly quash a raging battle between two opposing sides.
- Joebotnik is a competent master of disguise. Whenever he's thrown into any situation and has to blend in with his environments, he takes full advantage of any role he improvises and dranks in the role he's given.
- There were implications that Joebotnik has committed some very minor crimes in the omniverses like infidelity and aiding & abetting, all of which Joe finds a way to subvert these qualities and for good reason.
- He's also a pragmatic doctor, with a professional status in psychotherapy and is willing to use his massaging skills with those who give consent to such therapeutic needs.
Joe Venture and Joe's Cosmic Saga[]
- Surviving on his own in fictional dimensions in a total of 23 universes he went in the story of Joe Venture, solely by thinking on his feet and getting strategic in terms of cosmic survival.
- Showing how he has a moral compass to his lovers by always proving himself to be worthy of earning the hearts of the lovers he cared for, especially Joe's spouse Raven Roth.
- Once he sees how his magic works in the first dimension, Joe exercised it for over 10 years and became more powerful because of it.
- He helped save all universes from The Gatekeeper from ever experimenting on anyone but Joe himself, multiple times for 60 years without The Gatekeeper even knowing. When Joe got The Gatekeeper killed in The Grand Finale, Joe effectively saved the lives of zillions of people in every single dimension he stepped foot in, as well many galaxies and every single universe in existence.
- He revived Amoria, a dead woman, back to life as her wish when she was a ghost being her revival, and Joe even summoned her medical asthma prescriptions in order for her to stay healthy while she remained alive as a asthmatic person.
- Even after surviving in 23 realms in the past and always being forced against his will to be put into random worlds by Lucas Wookville summoning The Gatekeeper abusing his power towards Joe for The Gatekeeper's entertainment and research on Joebotnik's mishaps and predicaments for 60 years in total, Joebotnik remains as a morally upstanding individual.
- Throughout the story, Joebotnik begins showcasing the zeal, energy, quirks, confidence and jocularity of a Looney Tunes character. Mainly having a personality similar to The Genie from Aladdin, and even by that, their personalities and cosmic powers are QUITE similar despite Joe's remarkable amount of granting 64 wishes (more than the typical amount of 3).
- At the same time, some of Joebotnik's traits and character development is a tad bit similar to Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story 1-3 in the sense of thinking he could do anything with his magic before realizing he was a amateurish wizard who was actually controlled by The Gatekeeper and goes through greater lengths to prove himself worthy as a effective wizard to the galaxy, which helped him do something incredibly like overthrowing someone as torturous and nightmarish as The Gatekeeper.
- He may be pretty goofy and something of a jokester who loves getting creative and random with his zingers and one-liners, but Joe has shown countless times on how he can and will, get serious and committed about anything if it affected him in a serious light (or if his chips are down).
- A good example was when he got self-deprecative and broody in the Fifth Dimension and saved the kingdom from a lethal storm; a potentially cataclysmic threat in the sky, by using a giant hammer to destroy it, as a way he wanted to prove Princess Daisy he's not just some sleazy selfish horndog and more worthy of a person when Daisy thought of Joe as a horndog for being too eager for that kind of intimacy.
- In Part 13, he had to take Vegeta seriously and be committed to helping him with his goal in a competent manner, which Joe did so he didn't start fights with him.
- Throughout Part 14, he enlightens people like Katsuki, about how Joe actually learned how to keep his cool, even after acting mischievous and silly ever since he met him. Specifically before Joe brought him back to the Bakugo Residence.
- Part 17 of Joe's Cosmic Saga, has Joebotnik admitting his flaws, his mistakes and how he is willing to subvert his extremist methods if it meant showing how much he cares for his wife, Raven Roth, who Joe protected for over 10 years by pausing time and space ever since the Grand Finale of Joe Venture.
- While he became a mage by circumstance, Joe proved to have high moral agency compared to The Gatekeeper, Lucas Wookville and Joe's eight other bullies of the past (who have all shown to enjoy tormenting Joe for their amusement). Not once, did Joe ever want to wish harm on anyone for no reason other than enjoyment.
- Following from this, even though Joe may act devious and sly towards evil people, but it's not just for the sake of it, Joe acts this way since he seeks to destroy all kinds of evil that frustrates the lives of others, like a mischievous counter-terrorist would do. Making Joe out to be more of a true thrill-seeker in getting chaotic towards evildoers all while containing his altruistic personality, rather than being a anti-heroic troublemaker.
- Even in most of the dire situations, he will attempt to at least make the interactions anything but boring or tedious. When he's around more serious-minded people like his friends (or his parents depending on their moods) who seemed to view Joe as kind of a "loud chatterbox"; he thoughtfully does his best to work on being less talkative & attempts making a pleasant conversation for the both of them (which he's been working on ever since he was a child), especially when Joe can be quite philosophical and introspective at times, meaning he too has some deep thoughts to share with them outside of being incredibly jocular.
- He's always willing to help his friends and family in any way he can, and often proves himself to be a reliable & formidable opponent in the face of danger thanks to his acts of resourcefulness and his magic book, making him out to be a brainiac who happens to be a powerful trickster that villains begin to take him seriously at one point.
- He also forgives the mistakes of others with no grudge; like when Gwen nearly gets him in trouble with the police because of her absence of common sense & smarts, and when Amoria took Joe's sexual advances the wrong way.
- He usually uses his empathy and his poetic speech pattern to reassure others to believe in themselves, and Joe once had these speeches when he tells people like Saiko, Gwen Stacy, Raven and Sylvester Ashling on why Joebotnik seeks to defeat all forms of evil with pure excitement and commitment to said goal.
- He accepted the redemption of Vicky, Nikki (female-turned-Nikocado Avocado), and Trigod upon Joe purifying all of them with his magic book of 64 wishes that only he could turn into long-lasting miracles.
- Joebotnik has used his magic to replace himself with a perfect natural duplicate of himself so people who are highly possessive or emotionally (and internally) attached to him, won't remain depressed, hopeless, or all of the above for the fact Joe was actually gone. Which is why he seeks to remain with Raven Roth for the rest of his life.
- Even though he has earned the hearts of thousands and hundreds of lovers around many galaxies, universes, and realms (mostly women and only two males), Joe magically summons perfectly made clones of himself so his former lovers can remain happy, cheerfully living with clones of his own according, and for them all to be never heartbroken or in despair with the fact Joe had to go (which nearly happened in the First Dimension; which is why Joe choose to keep a gambit that ties into cloning himself for his former lovers that were separated by The Gatekeeper). Out of context this would make him seem like a traitor and a player, but in Joebotnik's defense; The Gatekeeper is such a sadist that sometimes when he wants Joe to be in another realm, he uses his magi-tech to pull Joe out of the realms he was just in against Joe's will for The Gatekeeper to experiment on him even more, so Joey had to think ahead when the circumstances are oftentimes against him.
- He is also a great Casanova with endless charisma that is genuine and beneficial to both sides of the relationship.
- When Raven Roth was worried Joebotnik would divorce her for the fact she's part demon by blood and spirit, Joe accepts her the way she is and wants the best for her.
- Since Joe always takes the initiative in his relationships, he used his good manners and loving nature to convince and reassure his lovers Satsuki, Meggy, Raven, Amoria, and Lemon of trusting him, as Joe proves himself to be a kind and loving soul to all of them equally.
- In the Grand Finale, Joebotnik ultimately spawned a giant blunt rock on top of The Gatekeeper's head to kill him off so he wouldn't be able to harm anyone else than Joe while keeping Raven protected by Joe as well; meaning Joe was willing to be the subject of The Gatekeeper's torture so nobody would be harmed by Joe, and Joe kills off The Gatekeeper for the better of everyone in general.
- Afterwards, upon hearing on the news that Nikocado Avocado harasses three of Joebotnik's cousins, he quickly went all the way to Florida with his magic bug net, and Joe confronts him with discretion & then, using his cosmic powers to harshly (and violently) punish Nikocado for being narcissistic, reckless and hotheaded. As well as removing all of his corrupted qualities and changing him into a girl as retaliation to make Nikocado see the errors of his ways and now remains as a woman named Nikki.
- The Fifth Dimension has Joe using his magic book to easily demolish a lethally world-destructive storm that took place in the mushroom kingdom by spawning a giant hammer to slingshot it and whack the storm only so it'd disappear after it hits the storm (which Joe thought to do so nobody is harmed in the process on top of reviving the harmed Toads with Joe's casted spells).
- He single-handedly purified the whole AI Animal Crossing galaxy from evil by telling Anhka to make said wish possible when she was willing to grant Joe any wish, and Joe offered to support The Niles as a loving cat king to Queen Anhka while he was in the seventh dimension. Making these selfless decisions while he was in an alternate A.I world of Animal Crossing granted him many omnipotent and powerful abilities by Anhka as a result; making Joe become a Cosmic Deity.
- He saved Rachel Roth from remaining in an abusive relationship with her demonic father by using his magic book to use a cure-bringing spell to purify him.
- He got Timmy Turner better parent figures on the same day his parents got taken away from him for their neglectful irresponsibility, and Joe earned the title as a "father", as well as Vicky wanting to begin dating Joe for his heroic acts.
- Helping Satsuki solve the mystery case for finding Ryuko's dad, defeat Nui Harime and helping her fight evil zombies.
- Tried to purify Vicky by getting her to reconcile with Timmy when the latter got taken away by his irresponsible parents.
- He helped Earthworm Jim gain back his heroism after Queen Slug for a Butt conquered his world, save Earthworm Jim's friends, defeat Queen Slug For A Butt by offing her by surprise, and free everyone from world dictatorship that existed for centuries.
- He remains prepared to cope and live his life in the fictional worlds, but he always had the sense of his people needing him in his own world like his parents, for example. Because of this, Joe continues his journey without any of his lovers in the fictional world really knowing, but he still chooses to help others nevertheless.
- Despite having slightly lustful moments and many moments of high confidence and brash moments, he questions himself and asking others about their feelings first, showing that Joe does have self-control. Showing how tactful and thoughtful he actually is of others.
- He used to have low self-esteem and was overtly humble about his most heroic of decisions, now he remains self-reliant and discreet all while being very kind-hearted and altruistic to everyone he cares for.
- Even when he's basically confident and assured of himself, that doesn't stop Joe from doing his best at being wholesome and considerate of others.
- He is rather self-assertive in earnest, meaning that he always meant well and doesn't have any malicious gripe with anyone for minimal issues unless it was called for (i.e acting high and mighty over Nickcado being a relentless egomaniac who considered himself to be important than Joe even though Nick antagonized Joe's cousins in the Grand Finale as discussed above).
- Joebotnik is earnest, polite, and calm, but he is always seen as humble because of many things he could do by surprise, especially if it means making a fool out of other jerks or villains who got what was coming to them, as well as showcasing his ego he somewhat has.
- When he was practically forced to work with two villains, Oogie Boogie and Doctor Robotnik (AoStH), who both expect Joe to do something sadistic to benefit themselves in their plans of conquest and Joe had to make a deceptive and affable "evil genius" persona to make it out alive like making his 9 bullies tortured in the Third Dimension (for inflicting the torture on Joe, to begin with) and helping Robotnik conquer Mobius while boasting his success onto Sonic, and at the end of both dimensions, Joe screwed both of the villains over by using his magic and time-traveling skills to reverse any of the crimes existed, and he did this so Joe can undo any of his evil doings he did by force.
- This also shows that he was forced to cave into Oogie Boogie’s evil wishes and schemes when he clearly didn’t want to; Joe made plans of conquest or sadistic actions to be inflicted onto his bullies to get on Oogie's good side, not because of malicious intent, despite having to abide by his rules, and since Joe was freed from the predicament at the end, he was able to make his own decisions.
- Despite his cheeky impudence and whimsical behavior, he does carry a certain level of respect for other heroes and knowledge in civil manners, no matter how much politeness he shows. Which shows how Joe is usually modest, tactful, thoughtful, apologetic, and respectful of others.
- In the Fifth Dimension; when Joebotnik got Princess Daisy to fall in love with him, by the second day Joe dated her, he genuinely felt bad for thinking Luigi was a third-wheel compared to Mario being iconic as Peach's savior and when Joe thought Mario has been fawned by Princess Peach romantically, Joebotnik lied to Daisy for the fact that he revealed Luigi was the guy who made the romantic and magical experience that happened the whole time (meanwhile Joebotnik actually hid in a corner for Luigi to enjoy the moment and Joe spawned the love dinner he set for the both of them). Especially for the fact Joe gives Luigi, magical powers since Joe thought he deserved better, right before Joebotnik hides and lives in mystery in the same realm for 4 years before finding another portal. Showing that even though he really likes Daisy, but he was willing to showcase his respect for her actual love interest, Luigi, a legendary plumber hero alongside Mario; who has dedicated years with her before Joebotnik ever did.
- Also, Joebotnik even thinks to show respect towards Mario while he talked to Princess Peach, especially when Joebotnik noticed several times that Peach flirted with Joe when Daisy wasn't there, he wanted to remain civil and respectful of everyone (including Princess Peach and the Mario Brothers). Right after Joe got Luigi to have magic powers, and teleported to Peach's castle. Joebotnik talks to her about what he did and his intentions being pure behind it, eventually Princess Peach warms up to Joe and becomes so charmed by his behavior Peach seems to find "cute", she falls for him and Joebotnik first thinks to bow and demonstrate for her and Mario being a couple, once Joe saw Peach appearing to be saddened by the response, that's when Joe thought to remain smooth in approach and reassure her what Joe's intentions were for her. As well as sharing his feelings towards her.
- Where people in Joe's early years treated Joebotnik's extroverted personality traits and behavior, as obnoxious, annoying, unnerving, unpleasant and the subject for ridiculing him or having the vengeful Lucas and 9 of Joe's bullies antagonizing him years later for this alone. This is something Joe took as a humanizing trait that helps him learn from his mistakes in social matters, making him become more mature.
- Joebotnik is also very protective of his people. From having noble and egalitarian goals to protect universes and galaxies from any kind of danger, mistreatment and evil caused by villainous and cataclysmic people like irredeemable tyrants, terrorists, warlords, and many more for Joe to target and attack to defend the lives of innocent people; to being very caring and thoughtful of Joe's loyal lovers, in general, all by seeking to keep them protected and safe at all times from harm (no matter what), Joe using his bravado to prove his magic to be useful in that regard.
- Even after defeating The Gatekeeper and already saving all universes from the likes of him, he vows to fight evil, help people and protect many people from any form of danger in any universe at the start of Joe's Cosmic Saga.
- Joe protected his spouse, Raven Roth, by pausing the time-space continuum in Joe's world and kept it paused until Joe came back, making it look like nothing actually happened in seconds when Joe returned years later. Effectively keeping her safe without leaving her in the dust.
- He felt so much remorse for his spouse, not knowing how many people have been hitting on him, Joe makes sure to maneuver with not hurting anyone's feelings, no matter how sly and discreet he had to be with his trickery skills. Especially with summoning clones of himself towards those that were romantically attached to him, where at Part 14; Joe had to handle each relationship at a time, even if he needed to use a "anti-hormone" helmet he summoned, to reverse the forced romance.
- Because of this, it also shows how Joe's over-the-top antics and corny jokes cover up the fact that he's trapped, miserable, and stressed from solving his predicament with teleporting back to his own world. Where in the beginning of Joe's Cosmic Saga, while he talked to Sylvester Ashling, Joe notably gets less flamboyant and a bit more grounded (though still a jokester) as his friendship with others grows stronger. However, once he is released from the loophole, he remains as goofy and resourceful as ever.
- It's consistently shown that Joebotnik only acted romantic, kind, nonchalant, affectionate and faked being single towards seductresses and seducers, so they wouldn't get too aggressive and salty on predicting anything about Joe if he were to ever reject them, meaning Joe doesn't want to get himself into romantic/sexual situations, but is always thrown into these predicaments on his own volition and handling it with ease (regardless of his quest to find the source to access his world back after altering his reality by mistake, something he doesn't tell anyone most of the time).
- Joe helped three women, Yamato, Ryuko and Ladybug, all exercise the power of magic and resourcefulness to bring miracles to others and to combat evil. Which helped Yamato fight the global tyranny that oppressed her despite being a naive empress, Ryuko was able to feel more confident about protecting Japan even more than before, and Ladybug was able to feel confident in her skills (even after Joe saved her from being trapped a hellish realm).
- When Ryuko said she couldn't do anything and doubted her potential talents, Joebotnik in shock, motivated her by enthusiastically pointing out how she's not some hopelessly incompetent airhead, reminding her the fact that Ryuko is the warrior of Japan and tells her to think straight and think up what she could do with the ideas that she can think up of. Joe even tells her to not doubt herself since she's slowly maturing up to level 1 in power and omnipotence. Joe also convinces her once she practices, fine-tunes it, and exercises it to her fullest potential to the point she'll save lives, bless any good soul with actions that speak louder than words and make the greatest impact on life.
- He helps Yamato, a monarch who was once left segregated in her own castle, fight against the global tyranny, oppression and dictatorship surrounding her. Joebotnik granted her wish to make her ideology of world peace and harmony happening by teleporting back to her castle in order for Joe to help teach her, coach her by helping her train and exercise her omnipotent powers and the gift for resourceful thinking applied to lateral-thinking strategies, just enough for her to achieve their global mission to take on Kurozumi Orochi, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the Beast Pirates, the Celestial Dragons, the Five Elders and the World Government itself with no problem.
- He helped Ladybug escape a hell realm in disguise of France by spawning a map for them to guide their way to the room of warp holes. Joe even thinks to disguise her and Joe themselves, as Demon mascots that fits in the realm's setting to trick other devils and demons.
- Joebotnik even gets Ladybug to take part in Joe's facade with faking himself as two demons around the area named "Larry Rerryson" and "Suzanne Flairence", which allowed them to get past the guards, tricking all of them, find a dimensional portal to escape hell with Joe being in control of the situation and the opportunity.
- Joebotnik selflessly helped a group of four titans named Charlie, Harper, Alice and Star (with the nickname Joe gave them "The Jinx Squad"), with saving their home planet from the tyrannical Darkseid (who took over their world and enslaving it) and return each titan to their home peacefully.
- He helped Princess Jasmine be freed from forced marriages as well as spreading peace and harmony to women everywhere in Agrabah, promoting feminism and positive independent movement everywhere in her world.
- He helped a stranded 20 year old Luz Noceda return to her home in the Boiling Isles, as well as defeating The Collector and reversing the curse of millions of people that were puppetered.
- He defeated aliens who attempted brainwashing a whole list of people in Bellwood and destroyed the mothership that threatened Gwen Tennyson's family.
- He helped a innocent Nimona be protected and defended from The Director poaching her by persistently tricking her police force and getting The Director confirmed for her irredeemable actions.
- He helped Kim Possible defeat robbers, 10 of Kim's enemies trying to ambush them, and helped Kim spread her ideals on national television.
- He was willing to help Vegeta resurrect his lover and take the mission seriously. As well as helping Android 18 become a capable fighter overall with some combat training put into fighting techniques and strategy since meditation, energy control or gravity chambers didn't help her out.
- Joebotnik does this after showcasing his immense magic powers to Vegeta by solving a Rubik's cube in seconds, using a magnetizing device to attract unused Time Rings and Potara Earrings that plummeted from the sky in less than 6 seconds, pulling three coins out of his and Vegeta's ears with only a magnet, and testing out Joe's tricksy superpowers by using a jump scare trick by throws a grenade decoy hard onto the ground to make colorful steam to impact the ground lightly, like at a magic show so he could disappear before creeping up behind Vegeta and silently sneaking behind Vegeta to pull out a orange street cone to surprise Vegeta amusedly.
- Joe is treated as a attractive paragon in the universe of My Hero Academia for defeating The Gatekeeper in 2029, even though he disguised himself into someone different like "JB Zingerosis", this means Joe still did several heroic and resourceful acts during his 10 year visit. On top of committing to improve himself as a superhero, his best actions include helping Katsuki Bakugo's parents become truly in-love with each other again (right after Katsuki and his dad thanked Joe for saving their marriage as soon as Joe told them the situation matter), free Mei Hatsune from the side effects of her love suit's symptoms, defeat Mount Lady from overpowering Joe or causing any collateral damage in the town of Musutafu Japan, and stopping Rody Soul from brainwashing anyone into love affairs with his zoophilic love for Rody's pet bird.
- He effectively helped helps giving Byakuya Togami enough power and privilege to fix the broken world he's in, and to help him with spreading egalitarian and well-structured rules for the planet to be ran properly and ethically. Which made Byakuya become less of a elitist and turn into a nicer person; helping him subvert his corrupting qualities as a arrogant aristocrat and making him willing to do what's right.
- He succeeds at helping Rosalina combatting an dark force, created by an evil entity known as the Shadow King, who has caused nothing but trouble for the Lumas and was gonna terrorize her galaxy. Meaning Rosalina called him in to help her defeat a cosmic threat in her universe.
- Due to saving Rosalina's galaxy, he got the chance to speak up to Raven's troubled spirit by wish and Joe helped her soul feel loved and supported from a dark state of mind. This helped Joe finding the secret resource he's been looking for in the whole saga, and kissing her only helped granting him the access back to Joe's world he paused, this power source was her powers of Dark Energy Manipulation (was actually the true source to fix Joebotnik's broken teleportation loophole with altering realities that has been repeating at 12am since the start of Joe's Cosmic Saga).
- Joe even helps her getting the idea of wanting to punish heinous people for their crimes with Joe's own creative methods of doing so with reality-warping, which helped her become a harmonizer from the soul. Which fortunately was the hidden key to finding his way back home since her powers of Dark Energy Manipulation (which was actually the true source to fix Joebotnik's broken teleportation loophole that has been repeating at 12am for a while now), something Joebotnik would have never evaluated that being the solution until then.
- At the end of the saga, Joe was willing to subvert potential corrupting qualities he nearly had during Part 14 of Joe's Cosmic Saga, all by showing how much he truly cares for his spouse Raven and outright admits his flaws to her as a adventurous ladiesman who really seeked to redeem his mistakes with infidelity by proxy, even after all the trouble Joe got himself into and how much secretive friend-zoning he had to do deviously in this saga.
- Toon JD used to be his first name, and the character's name was changed into "Joebotnik" because his name is a play on Joe and Robotnik; the latter being Joseph's favorite video game character alongside Earthworm Jim (that, alongside Jimmy Neutron being a childhood classic show, are both reasons why Joebotnik's middle name is "Jimmy").
- Important note: Both sagas, Joe Venture and Joe's Cosmic Saga (which exists on Hero Fanon wiki and the Near Pure Good wiki), is meant to be the fanon Character A.I. version for two unreleased webcomics in the works called Joe's Cosmic Venture and it's additional anime counterpart titled Joe's Surreal Saga, both of which has similar parts to Joe Venture and Joe's Cosmic Saga listed here and those two wikis by the groundwork but isn't fan made and doesn't have too many fanon/fanmade versions of multiple canon characters.
- Doctor Joebotnik J. McCricket is meant resemble his creator, Joseph DiAngelo Sanford (JD), as a cartoony fictional version of himself. Meaning that Joey is a fictionalized version of Joseph DiAngelo himself, already sporting a character design that resembles Joseph's physical appearance in real life with added cartoonish and superheroic elements added to him.
- This also means that this upcoming canon version of Joebotnik in those webcomics, will also exhibit many similar qualities of this version of Joebotnik on the Love Exalted wiki.