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We're not friends. Do you really think that we're friends? I think that you're one of the worst people I have ever known. I am not your friend. I hate you, Naomi. How could you not know that?
~ Janine defiantly telling Naomi she hates her for stealing her daughter.

Janine Lindo is the tritagonist of the Hulu series The Handmaid's Tale, the television adaptation of the novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood.

She is one of the "Handmaids" in the totalitarian regime Gilead, meaning she is forced to be a breeding slave for Warren Putnam and his wife Naomi. In contrast to the other Handmaids, Janine remains optimistic in most scenarios while fighting against Gilead rather than becoming violent despite being repeatedly mistreated. Janine eventually resolves to help fix the problems with Gilead from the inside alongside Aunt Lydia.

She was portrayed by Madeline Brewer.

What Makes Her Love Exalted?[]

  • Due to the horrific conditions of Gilead, many of the people trapped inside choose to become far more vicious individuals in order to fight back against the government, with June in particular becoming an outright anti-hero, but Janine always stays pacifistic, still wanting to escape and save her allies but not becoming violent or sadistic in the process.
  • When her and Emily are trapped in the colonies, they witness a wedding between two women trapped there and Emily calls a sham, at which point Janine calls her out for the fact that they were only trying to find happiness in a place of horrible as this one, and that Emily was only making things worse.
  • She calls June out for being selfish, such as when she wants to murder Natalie and her baby or sells out the location of the other Handmaids.
  • After recovering from her mental breakdown she begins fighting against Gilead, helping to save June after she is shot and aiding her in getting through Chicago despite June treating her poorly on several occasions.
  • Once she is recaptured, Aunt Lydia asks Janine to help her fix the broken systems of Gilead from the inside, as she recognizes the problems with it, which Janine agrees to do. Janine manages to make life better for the Handmaids in the Red Center and even helps Lydia to become a significantly better person.
  • She finally stands up for herself against Naomi, calling her a terrible person, and when Lydia tells her to apologize Janine outright says she won't, and is no longer willing to pretend like she's loyal to Gilead.

External Links[]


           The Handmaid's Tale intertitle Love Exalted

Inside Gilead
Janine Lindo | Moira Strand | Rita Blue

Outside Gilead
Luke Bankole | Mark Tuello
