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Harrison Wells is a supporting protagonist of The Flash. He is the founder and CEO of Star Labs in the original timeline before Eobard Thawne took his body and used his face to commit crimes under his name.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • Unlike all of the other Wells' (who are morally conflicted characters who can be jerkish, especially Harry), he is kind, humble, and optimistic, even after his wife dies in the hands of Eobard Thawne (the same could not be said for Harry, who became bitter after the passing of his wife).
  • He genuinely cares for Tess Morgan as he cared more about her welfare than he did about his own welfare (making him the opposite of Eobard Thawne).
  • He helps team Flash in numerous ways:
    • He helps Barry Allen to regain his speed.
    • He encourages Chester and Allegra to go on their own paths to ensure that Team Flash didn't have to rely on a Wells in order to remain successful.
    • He protected the Timeline's integrity via not allowing any drastic changes to the timeline.
    • He ascends Khione as a protector of the natural world to revive Caitlyn Snow.
  • He was always the Harrison that Barry Allen wanted to meet for all of his life.

External Links[]
