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I have never pledged myself to any Baron, not even my family's. I don't care about titles. I don't care about territories.
~ Gaius Chau

Gaius Chau is a major protagonist in the AMC series Into the Badlands.

He is the brother of Juliet Chau, the Baron of the Fox Territory and operator of the Cog slave trade. Despite being born into a position of privilege as a member of the Chau family, Gaius despised them for their cruelty and brutality, and eventually abandons the Fox Territory to join forces with the Widow, another Baron who wishes to end the Cog slave trade for good by defeating the other Barons.

He was portrayed by Lewis Tan.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • As a child, he was raised to think that his family was superior and that he should look down on the Cog slaves in the Fox Territory. Despite this, he always hated this mentality and was uncomfortable with his parent's teachings, even developing a romance with a Cog girl named Minerva.
  • During his birthday celebration, Minerva dropped a tray of glasses, at which point Gaius' father Alexander Chau ordered him to beat her. Gaius refused to do this, at which point Juliet did it instead, while Gaius was visibly upset.
  • Minerva was locked in the pig pen after being beaten, and Gaius snuck out and unlocked the pig pen's door in order to let her out. According to him, the sight of her crawling away from the pig pen covered in filth was so upsetting to him that he decided to dedicate his entire life to helping Cogs escape from the Fox Territory.
  • He helped Cogs sneak out of the Fox Territory for years, and was eventually imprisoned by his sister for it. Despite being kept in a cage, he refused to come back to his family and regain his position of privilege, as he wanted nothing to do with them.
  • After his sister threatened to kill all of the Clippers loyal to him, he agreed to take down the dangerous false messiah Pilgrim for her in order to spare their lives.
  • Once the attack on Pilgrim fails, Gaius is captured by Minerva, who is now known as the Widow. He tells her of the fact that he saved her from the pig pen years ago, and that he is on her side, which she ultimately believes and the two rekindle their romance.
  • He helps the Widow's forces in stopping Juliet's Regent Otto from kidnapping war refugees in order to deliver to Pilgrim.
  • While preparing for the final battle between the Widow and Juliet's forces, Gaius makes it clear that he does not care about titles or Barons, he only wants to help people. While he does later take over his sister's territory, this is so that he can personally dismantle the Cog slave trade and move the territory in a better direction, while he still remains loyal to the Widow.
  • He goes on a personal mission with the Widow to confront his sister, and when the Widow and Juliet disappear, he and Tilda begin searching for them as they assume Juliet has captured the Widow.
  • He confronts his mother in order to find out Juliet's location. Despite him recognizing that his mother deserves to die, he can't bring himself to kill her and Tilda ends up doing it instead.
  • After the Widow defeats Juliet, Pilgrim becomes their primary enemy due to him wanting to conquer the Badlands in the name of Azra. Gaius acts as one of the primary warriors in the final battle for the Badlands, fighting against Pilgrim's forces to prevent him from taking over the Badlands.
  • The Widow discovers that she is pregnant by Gaius, and when she tells him he is immediately supportive and wants to have their child despite the Widow being hesitant.
  • During the final battle he helps the Widow and Tilda blow up the Meridian Chamber, but are confronted by M.K. who attacks and overpowers them using his Gift. After M.K. fatally wounds Tilda and is then killed by the Widow, Gaius immediately begins trying to save Tilda's life. His lost on-screen act is him activating the detonator to blow up the Meridian Chamber as he and the Widow take Tilda to a healer.

External Links[]


           IntotheBadlandslogo Love Exalted

The Badlands
Gaius Chau | Kannin

The Outlands
Bajie | Nix | Ava
