Love Exalted Wiki
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Fluttershy is one of the main six protagonists of the 2010 animated series, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. In the show, Fluttershy often represents the element of kindness often taking care of animals.

What Makes Her Love Exalted?[]

  • Fluttershy first became friendly towards animals when she fell from the heavens during Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom.
  • Cares for animals and her friends.
  • She teaches birds how to sing.
  • Saved Twilight from falling with Rainbow Dash's help.
  • Calmed down the manticore and stopped her friends from attacking it. Only calmed down the manticore for no other reason except the kindness of her heart.
  • Uses her kindness to defeat Nightmare Moon.
  • Overcame her fear of dragons by making it leave Ponyville.
  • Along with the Mane Six, helped clear the parasites from Ponyville.
  • As an apology to Rarity, she helped finish her unfinished dress.
  • Saved Twilight and the Cutie Mark Crusaders from a cockatrice.
  • Saved Rarity from the Diamond Dogs.
  • Took care of a mouse after it broke its leg.
  • When she thought Princess Celestia's pet, Philomena, was sick, she tried to help it.
  • Helped uncorrupt Rainbow Dash.
  • Brought the water up to Cloudsdale.
  • When the Cutie Mark Crusaders were spreading gossip, she forgave them.
  • Defended Twilight when Trixie was going to banish her and helped Twilight defeat Trixie in her magic duel.
  • When Rainbow Dash was going to give up being a wonderbolt, Fluttershy comforted her.
  • Redeemed Discord just by being nice to him.
  • Helped the Mane Six get their cutie marks back.
  • She is the only character of the Mane Six who doesn't have any corrupting factors.


  • She is the current icon of the Love Exalted wiki.

External Links[]
