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Eddard Stark is a posthumous protagonist in both the A Song of Ice and Fire series of novels as well as Game of the Thrones TV series. He was the patriarch of House Stark, serving as the head of the family, the Lord of Winterfell, and the Warden of the North. Following Robert Baratheon's death, he briefly served as the Protector of the Realm.

He was portrayed by Sean Bean.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • Was a good friend for Robert Baratheon and helped him fight against King Aerys II Targaryen.
  • Agreed to fulfill his sister, his sister, Lyanna Stark final request to raise her son, Jon, and keeping his lineage a secret until his death, even if this offends his dignity. Even though he refused to tell Jon his true lineage, this was to protect him, and would have told him before they parted.
  • He prohibited flaying people and slavery on the north.
  • While Theon Greyjoy was held as a ward for the Starks, it shown that Ned went out of his way to make Winterfell Theon's home.
  • Condemned a deserter to death and did the execution with his sword, taking no pleasure from it and doing what had to be done.
  • When he found a deceased Direwolf with pups, although was going kill them out of mercy, he agreed with John to give them to his children and raise them.
  • Agrees to be the Hand of the King, while being aware of his and his king's risk and during he tried discover the reason of the death of his friend, Jon Arryn.
  • Respected Gendry resists taking his helmet from him by force.
  • Pacified his daughters: Arya and Sansa after they angry at each other.
  • Gave his daughter, Arya a fighting teacher, Syrio Forel, to train her.
  • Opposed Robert's suggestions to murder Daenerys Targaryen when she has a young pregnant girl and even abandons his position in anger.
  • Tries his best to avoid killing. This is displayed when he orders the city guard to capture Joffrey and Cersei instead of killing him, despite Joffrey wanting him dead himself. He also told them to not hurt Ser Barristan Selmy.
  • Gives Cersei Lanister a chance to flee after he discovers her children's true parentage so that the kids may be spared.
  • As Robert dies, Ned assures him that his fears he is as bad as Aerys Targaryen are unfounded and decides to spare him from the truth about his supposed children.
  • After he was arrested, he makes a false confession to protect his son, Robb, from attempting to instigate a deadly war, as well as protecting his family altogether.
  • He allowed Yoren to take care Arya, saving her life.
  • Overall, his honor, benevolence, and love for peace caused the North and many other regions to revere him as one of the few genuinely heroic people in all of Westeros, which plays a huge role into the story he is in.

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