Love Exalted Wiki
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Din Grogu, commonly referred to as The Child by Din Djarin and Baby Yoda by the fans, is the deuteragonist of the 2019 Disney+ series, The Mandalorian. Originally a bounty that Din had come to collect, the series follows Din's adventures as he seeks to protect Grogu from other bounty hunters who want to collect their bounty.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • Calling him adorable would be an understatement.
  • He proves himself early on when he uses the Force to protects Din Djarin from being killed by a mudhorn.
  • He is friendly, as he allowed Winta, Omera's daughter, to open up as she gradually became less shy, and he also played with the children in Omera's village.
  • He loves to play with the controls of Djarin's ship.
  • He is brave enough to bite the finger of a Scout Trooper, who was going to bring him to Moff Gideon.
  • Although he is very mischievous and gluttonous, he is just a toddler (biologically three or four years old) with major moral agency issues (some of them can be made for comedy):
    • He ate a lot of still-living, still-breathing frogs as he didn't know it was wrong to consume them alive as no one had ever told him before (prior to Djarin that is).
    • He tried to choke Cara Dune just because she was arm-wrestling Djarin, but he sincerely thought she was attacking him as no one had ever wrestled him and he didn't understand the difference between competing recreationally and lethally anyway.
    • He was eating a spider egg which allowed the Razor Crest to get infested by dozens of spiders, showing that he is not above making stubborn and reckless decisions, although none abnormal for a three-year-old boy.
    • An infamous moment where he eats several eggs of the Frog Lady, not comprehending how eggs are tied to birth and fertility.
    • He was constantly stealing food from others just to satisfy his own hunger with only the vaguest awareness that stealing is immoral or what the heck a big word like "immoral" even means.
  • Grogu attempted to help fix the Razorfist.
  • He is shown having a bond with his adopted father and shows signs of joy when Djarin calls him by his name instead of "kid" or "the child".

External links:[]


           StarTheForce Love Exalted

Ahsoka Tano | BB-8 | Captain Rex | C-3PO | Chewbacca | Din Djarin | Din Grogu | Echo | Ezra Bridger | Finn | Han Solo | Jyn Erso | Lando Calrissian | Leia Organa | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Padmé Amidala | Qui-Gon Jinn | R2-D2 | Rose Tico | Sabine Wren | Yoda
