Love Exalted Wiki
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I know. But being missed so deeply, is the price for being loved so much.
~ Death to Life
Having a loving family is a privilege that isn't afforded to us all. And yet, you were never unloved. Not a day of your life.
~ Death to Zeus

Death is the titular main protagonist in the original PSA webcomic series The Loving Reaper.

He is the Grim Reaper Who takes the souls of animals to his realm.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • He comforts the spirit of every animal that he collects.
  • He lets the spirit of an otter see rain one final time before taking it to the afterlife.
  • He has to hate towards animal abusers.
  • He allowed a black cat to say goodbye to its owner before taking it to the afterlife.
  • He covered a dog with his cloak and comforts the dog until the dog passes away.
  • Despite being a rival with Life, he gets along with her.
  • He was empathic towards a seagull chick’s mother.

External Links[]
