Love Exalted Wiki
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DJ, Devon Joesph, known to be the Brickhouse with a Heart is a supporting character in the Cartoon series Total Drama. He participated in the seasons Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, and Total Drama World Tour. He is member of the Killer Bass, Screaming Gaffers, and Team Victory.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • DJ is kind to all the fellow contestants in the show who can get along with anyone and lacks any corrupting factors.
  • He really cares about the other contestants, his mother and most of all, animals.
  • He can even get along with even the antagonists series such as Duncan.
  • He was willing to risk the 1 million dollars so his curse won't cause anymore animals to be harmed.
  • He is willing to throw challenges and risk the 1 million dollars if he might've done something wrong that caused harm.
  • Since his alliance with Chef was illegal, he decided to quit the show to stop this illegal alliance.

External Links[]
