Love Exalted Wiki

NOTE: This page is only about the anime incarnation of Crona Gorgon as the manga incarnation doesn't qualify as Love Exalted, and thus only the anime version of Crona Gorgon's info should be put here.

Crona Gorgon is a major character in the Soul Eater anime, serving as a recurring antagonist until they eventually redeems himself later in the anime.

They were voiced by Maaya Sakamoto for the Japanese voice and Maxey Whitehead for the English dub.

What Makes Them Love Exalted?[]

  • They grew up with their extremely abusive mother Medusa and was regularly mentally abused when they refused to do what she had asked.
  • Crona is played for sympathy multiple times throughout the show as their heinous actions were not done out of genuine evil but because they were being manipulated by their pure evil mother.
  • They share many heartwarming moments in the show, especially one with Maka after she manages to empathize with Crona and truly understand them by connecting with Crona's soul wavelength.
  • Crona and Marie are sent to Medusa's lair to defeat her for good, so they could save Stein from Medusa's black blood.


  • Crona's gender is for the most part unknown which is why gender neutral pronouns are used within this page.
  • The reason why Crona's manga incarnation doesn't qualify as Love Exalted is because the manga version is much more dark and heinous than the anime version, as well as having committed more heinous acts than the anime Crona.

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