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Danganronpa V3 CG - A flashback to the killing game (2)

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Chihiro Fujisaki is a Character in the Danganronpa Series He Created the Neo World Program he also Created other programs like Alter Ego, Monomi, & Chiaki Nanami.

What Makes him Love Exalted[]

  • Is Nice to all his friends and never does anything rude to them and is one of the Nicest characters in the entire series
  • He felt guilty for voting for Leon Kuwata even after he killed Sayaka Maizono
  • In his free time events he refused to kill a mosquito because he felt it was hungry
  • Even when Monokuma wanted to reveal he and his friends secrets he decided to work out so he wouldn't be shy of his own weakness
  • Trusted Mondo to help him work out (Even if it lead to his death)
  • Even after his death he left a long lasting impact such as creating The Neo World Program Alter Ego, Chiaki's AI & Usami

External Links[]
