Love Exalted Wiki
Danganronpa V3 CG - A flashback to the killing game (2)

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What I fear most isn't death; what I fear most is...attachment. Once I become attached to something, I fear that I will lose it. That's why we only live for the moment...
~ Chidori Yoshino

Chidori Yoshino is a redeemed major chacther in the video game Persona 3. She is a surviving experiment of the Kirijo Group's attempt to create artificial Persona users and a member of Strega, alongside Takaya Sakaki and Jin Shirato. She is also the love interest of Junpei Iori. Like all members of Strega, she can't fully control her Persona due to it being awakened artificially, and so needs to take suppressant pills to keep it from killing her.

What Makes Her Love Exalted?[]

  • She met junpei although he stated annoying her at first at time she started trust him.
  • At the hospital she glad Junpei came to visit her.
  • Junpei blink of death she final conversation with telling him thank for being with her.
  • Her death was played Sympathetic.

External Links[]
