Love Exalted Wiki
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I hate to disappoint you Big Bot, but in the heat of battle, I have to follow my instincts, not blind faith.
~ Cheetor's motto.

Cheetor is the deuteragonist of the Beast Era of the Transformers Generation One franchise, serving as the deuteragonist of both Beast Wars and Beast Machines.

He is voiced by Ian James Corlett.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • While he started out arrogant, he later matures into a capable leader and good person.
  • He tried to take Primal's place when Dinobot challenged Primal to a duel to the death for leadership.
    • Despite Dinobot's actions, he warmed up to him.
  • He sacrificed his lockchip so Airazor could be born.
  • He tried to comfort Tigatron after his friend was killed.
  • He helped save Silverbolt from being killed by Dinobot.
  • He tried to save Tigatron and Airazor from the Vok's machine.
  • He and Blackarachnia defended two Protohumans from Predacons.
  • He saved Tigerhawk from Tarantulas
  • He reconciled with Primal after his speech about bringing Techno-organic balance as he resurrected himself.
  • After Primal's sacrifice, Cheetor accepted the role of being leader and remind the Maximals that Optimus would always live on their sparks.

External Links[]
