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Never leave a man behind!
~ Brick

Brick McArthur, labeled as The Cadet, is a supporting character in Total Drama: Revenge of the Island.

Brick McArthur was voiced by Jon Cor.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • In spite of being a cadet trained to be a tough fighter, he has a very prevalent soft side and is in actuality extremely sensitive and rather insecure and not aggressive in the slightest in spite of his strength.
  • He offers unconditional support to his teammates during his time on Total Drama and on both teams that he's been a part of.
  • He strictly follow his code of never leaving a man behind even if it endangers his own life and costs him winning a challenge, as shown when he saved Mike, Zoey and Cameron from a mutant gopher.
  • Feeling remorse for abandoning his team under Jo's orders and even offering to be eliminated for not following his moral code.
  • He is the last of the Mutant Maggots to believe Scott's claim of Dawn being the thief responsible for stealing the missing belongings of the other campers.

External Links[]
