Love Exalted Wiki
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Danganronpa V3 CG - A flashback to the killing game (2)

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oW mY oVaRiEs
~ Bob Bobowski’s common quote.

Bob Bobowski is one of the main characters of SMG4.

He is a Garo who initially serves as the titular main antagonist of The Rapper Bob Arc, but he later redeems himself.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • He quit his rapping career to be with his friends.
  • He helped defeat Francis.
  • He helped destroy the Ultimate Meme in "The Lord of Memes" so the internet could be used for good.
  • He turned Meggy's house into a hotel to so he could assist her with taxes.
  • He helped share memes, starting resistance against Lawyer Kong.

External Links[]
