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Blossom Utonium is one of the three titular main protagonists (alongside Bubbles and Buttercup) of the Powerpuff Girls 1998 series.

What Makes Her Love Exalted?[]

In General[]

  • Is willing to protect Townsville at all costs.
  • Stops Mojo Jojo all of the time.
  • Truly cares for her sisters and her father/creator, Professor Utonium at all times.
  • Shows remorse for some of her actions.
  • Despite being often serious, she is also often treated as a lovable and funny character at the same time, not to mention she is loved by everyone.

Season 1[]

  • Stopped a bug from invading Townsville with his whole army of bugs.
  • Stopped 3 guys disguising as The Powerpuff Girls.
    • While she did break out of jail earlier today, it is understandable since she was arrested for her false actions and the Mayor thought it was The Powerpuff Girls who tried to steal all of the money.
  • Stopped Mojo and turns everyone back into normal after when Mojo turn people into dogs.
  • Stopped Sedusa and convinced the Professor that Sedusa is disguising as a beautiful lady.
  • Stopped HIM, saved Bubbles, and felt remorse for arguing with Buttercup since Bubbles didn't want them to argue and was sick and tired to see them argue.
  • Didn't want to stop the Amoeba Boys since they only litter and goes to the grass in the park since those aren't real crimes.
  • Saved all of the sick citizens by getting the antidote from the Amoeba Boys to turn everyone back into normal.
  • Stopped the Boogie Man and returned the sun from being blocked by the giant disco ball.
  • While she was hypnotized by Abracadaver, she later recovers from it, outsmarted him, and stopped him.
  • While she was once outsmarted by the Gangreen Gang since they were doing an impression of the Mayor so that they can call The Powerpuff Girls to stop their enemies for false info since they're doing prank calls, she later recovers from it and stop answering the hotline since she let the other villains stop the Gangreen Gang for prank calling them.
  • Stopped HIM from controlling everyone.
  • She knew Major Man was setting up many disasters just so Major Man can steal the fame and stopped Major Man by getting Fred to eat Major Man. She also apologized to Fred for going too hard on him.
  • She didn't trust Mojo since the Professor was about to copy the powers of The Powerpuff Girls just so he can give it to Mojo so that Mojo can trick the Professor and can finally defeat The Powerpuff Girls.
  • Was mad at every student including Buttercup for making fun of the "paste eater". She also convinced Buttercup to apologize to the "paste eater".
  • When she discovered her new power known as the Ice Breath, she uses it for something cool. She even saved a bunch of kids that are very hot and couldn't breathe using her ice breath. When she froze the entire Townsville on accident, she felt remorse for it and tries to fix it by destroying the meteor.
  • She first thought Bubbles is not hardcore but later on she appreciated Bubbles after when she beated Mojo and felt remorse for not appreciating Bubbles.
  • Stopped Mojo and saved the mayor.
  • Stopped the Kitty and saved the Professor from being brainwashed.
  • Helped the Mayor get his place back as the Mayor after when Fuzzy Lumpkins stole his place.
  • She let Mojo look for the ball, the girls really wanted.
  • She put up a great performance in Mime for a Change which makes her good at playing the guitar.
  • While she did put up a giant mess in the entire Townsville, it was the Professor's fault since she was forced into using the Dynamo suit since the Professor wanted them to even though it can burn up the entire Townsville.

Season 2[]

  • Stopped Princess Morbucks and did what's best for her since she won't stop being braggy.
  • Plays Dodgeball to stop the Gangreen Gang instead of fighting them.
  • Stopped Mojo from capturing the Mayor two times as well as stopping Harold Smith.
  • Saved her, Bubbles, and Buttercup's birthdays from being destroyed by Mojo and Princess Morbucks.
  • Teached people how to fight the monster and then yet managed to succeed.
  • Managed to get away with her actions such as torturing the Sandman during his sleep and succeed in getting people to wake up again after when their sleep is permanent thanks to Sandman.
  • Stopped Mojo from trying to destroy the girls and has her rights to get mad at the Amoeba Boys for being stupid since they didn't knew it was Mojo's plans.
  • Has stopped the Broccoli army.
  • Didn't trust Billy in the first place simply because of his intelligence when he destroyed almost everything in Townsville.
  • Get Bubbles back to normal by getting Mojo to stop her.
  • She only made the Professor proud by stealing the Golf Clubs, otherwise she felt remorse for getting him arrested.
  • She tried saving Townsville but the Professor wanted them to sleep at 7:30 since her teacher wanted them to sleep early all because she can't sleep in class.
  • Stopped Mojo Jojo and Princess Morbucks from stealing the girls' powers.
  • Stopped Patches by using her imagination and accepted Mike as her friend since Mike was sorry for getting Patches to turn evil.
  • Stopped Mojo Jojo and kissed a kid with cooties while she did refuse to kiss him at first.
  • Stopped the Smith Family.
  • Wanted Buttercup to give away her blanket to the Professor since without it, Buttercup didn't want to fight crime without her blanket.
  • Showed remorse for going too fast which made her go to the future where everything was destroyed all because of her since HIM corrupted the whole Powerpuff Girls earth and also told the Professor that they can't go on vacation since it might ruin the future.
  • She and her sisters made a giant love heart floating in the sky and a rainbow with their powers. She also stopped Mojo and forgives her classmates after when her classmates are gonna kill the Powerpuff Girls just so they can take the Chemical X.
  • When she noticed Ms. Bellum was kidnapped, she knew it was Sedusa who kidnapped her since Sedusa was disguising as Ms. Bellum.
  • She knew Mojo was disguising as a girl, although instead of attacking Mojo, she's just gonna watch him for now so that she wouldn't let her friends know that Mojo was disguising as a girl. She even enjoyed spending time with Mojo when she realized Mojo was not doing anything wrong.

Season 3[]

  • Didn't want to fight the elderly villains, while it can risk people lives, the villains are elderly, so she didn't want to fight them and instead she allowed the elderly heroes to fight them.
  • Distracted the eye monster, stopped him, and messed up Bubbles and Buttercup's hair just so she can teach them a lesson while Bubbles and Buttercup did apologize for their actions.
  • Stopped Mojo Jojo and wanted the Professor to switch everyone's bodies back.
  • Made fun of Bubbles simply due to her wearing glasses which was meant to be funny.
  • Teached Morbucks a lesson by stealing everything she has after when Morbucks made a contract where everyone can steal everything and break the law.
  • Didn't trust Mitch and was going to watch him to see if he's doing something wrong with the hamster. She also teached him a lesson by getting him chased by the hamster since Mitch turned the hamster into a monster.
  • When the cop is about to stop the burglar, she instead stopped the burglar.
  • Stopped Mojo Jojo again from turning people into dogs.
  • Stopped a robber that disguised as a rabbit just so he can take the jewelry.
  • She now realized that using a Superhero suit is ridiculous and she realized she can't save Townsville because of it so instead she takes off her superhero suit and become her normal self again.
  • Assists in helping the monster find the kitty he wanted.
  • Stopped the Mayor and made him redeem himself since he was destroying the whole entire Townsville.
  • Felt remorse for not stopping or waking up the Professor when he was sleepwalking since he was stealing all of the toys while he was sleeping, and Blossom didn't have a chance to stop him since she rather let him take all of the toys instead.
  • Stopped the Gangreen Gang after when the Gangreen Gang loses their superpowers.
  • Succeed in getting the Professor to quit crime.
  • Stopped Leech by using the Mayor as her bait.
  • After realizing that Femme Fatale tricked her, she's starting to feel remorse after scaring every boy in Townsville and stop Femme Fatale.
  • Has the rights to not help Buttercup fight against a horde of PPG villains since Buttercup was the one stealing their teeth just so Buttercup can get rich.
  • Outsmarted the Beat-Alls and stopped them from destroying Townsville repeatedly.

Season 4[]

  • Stopped Mojo Jojo from changing the present.
  • Managed to solve HIM's many riddles.
  • Allowed the AWSM members to join her team after when the AWSM leader forced her to do many heroic deeds just so she can join the AWSM team but she couldn't.
  • Was sorry for leaving Robin behind and refused to accept Morbucks' request of being a Powerpuff Girl since Morbucks is a villain.
  • Her last words were "We love you, Professor" since she was almost killed by Dick Hardly.
  • Was proud at the Professor for stopping the bug which saved Townsville and made the rain all disappear.
  • She decided to adopt Bullet but then let him go free later on since Bullet really wanted to stay in the forest.

Season 5[]

  • She succeeds in getting Professor and Ms. Keane to love each other, although they later break up, but she did want what's best for them since thanks to them, there were problems in Townsville, so they fight crime again by getting them to break up since Professor and Ms. Keane were using the Powerpuff Girls hotline for weeks.
  • Tricked Mojo so that Buttercup can save the Professor and let Bubbles stop Mojo.
  • Stopped HIM from ruining her, Bubbles, and Buttercup's dreams.
  • She wanted the monsters and humans to hang out and get along since the Mayor wanted them to live in Townsville.
  • Decided to help the detective founding out some clues by getting the Talking Dog to say about what happened since the Talking Dog was so scared.
  • Instead of attacking Mojo, she follows what the law says by sending him to the zoo.
  • Stopped the Rowdyruff Boys by making fun of them.
  • Laughs at Mojo Jojo since he "peed" in the bed.
  • Let Princess Morbucks become a Powerpuff Girl since the Rowdyruff Boys said boys are better when Morbucks heard that. She also tricked the Rowdyruff Boys so that she can stop them and no longer let Morbucks on the team.
  • She and her sisters are thinking about their past memories since it gives them good times.
  • Made Bubbles disguise as Boomer just so Bubbles can stop the Rowdyruff Boys.
  • Convinced Stan and Sandra to make the Powerpuff Girls become Superheroes to stop their enemies again.
  • After realizing that cussing is not good for people since she's been saying cussing words that are not good for people especially for little girls, she no longer used that word and realized how bad that word was since the Professor said it infront of Bubbles.
  • When the "Silent Treatment" guy steals the Professor, she saved the Professor, although after realizing that the "Silent Treatment" guy wanted an interesting voice, she gave away the Professor's voice to him to make him happy.
  • When the adorable animals are tricking the girls and even Blossom, she later recovered from it by making a school look like the bank so that the kids can hugs the animals which will stop the little adorable animals from robbing multiple banks.
  • Wanted to make the Professor happy by helping him win the Chili contest. She also used the giant match to stop the giant fart monster which was her plan.
  • Made the Professor happy by making the Professor feel proud of himself since the inventions he created are an accident, yet very great inventions.
  • Realized that Mojo actually forced people to speak his language, so she later gets the people back to normal by getting the Talking Dog to teach them to talk normal again.

Season 6[]

  • When the girls heard that the Professor hated the girls (although the Professor only hated the cakes, she made for the girls since it was messed up), she ended up destroying the Professor's lab. However, she showed remorse after realizing that the Professor actually hated the cakes since it looks terrible.
  • When the Mayor has a nightmare, she decided to help the mayor by looking at his dream so that she can give the Mayor a good rest.
  • Made the Gangreen Gang proud by defeating Sedusa for them even if Gangreen Gang stole everything they needed for Sedusa since she felt bad for the Gangreen Gang when they were betrayed by Sedusa so she decided to let the Gangreen Gang go for now as well as returning all of the stolen artifacts that the Gangreen Gang has stolen for Sedusa.
  • Is gonna take care of the baby until they find someone who actually has a baby.
  • Realized that Mojo acts like the narrator which ended up making the girls criminals and destroying each other so she stopped Mojo Jojo from being the narrator and saved the narrator.
  • Stopped Monty and Monty's assistant and shows remorse for not wearing sunscreen which ended up getting her tortured hard by sunscreen.
  • Stopped Mojo Jojo by working together with the girls since they were swirled together.
  • Stopped the Pirates and sent them back to the future.
  • Had fun with Fuzzy's kids after having an argue with them during their vacation.
  • Tried her best to not do any damage in the town and stop Mojo since she was turned giant.
  • Stopped a giant squirrel from burning.
  • Stopped Willy and knew they were disguised as TV characters just so they can steal the jewelry.
  • Stopped the Gnome after realizing that the Gnome was using the girls and their powers just so he can become the hero instead of the girls.
  • Stopped Morbucks from putting everyone in the naughty list, was sorry for unintentionally causing mass destruction in the North Pole and later fixed it by delivering every present in Townsville since everyone got coal.

The Powerpuff Girls Movie[]

  • Even before she became a superhero, she was already very affable and caring.
  • Stopped Mojo's army from committing genocide.
  • Felt remorse for unintentionally causing mass property damage in all of Townsville and even was going to quit being a superhero due to all of the destruction she has done.
  • Tried her best to gain her trust of Townsville and even was going to quit being a superhero since she once again caused mass destruction in Townsville until the citizens of Townsville apologized since Blossom didn't mean to cause that many destructions in Townsville.


External Links[]


           The Powerpuff Girls logo Love Exalted

TV Shows
The Powerpuff Girls (1998)
Blossom | Bubbles | Buttercup | Professor Utonium

Powerpuff Girls Z
Blossom | Bubbles | Buttercup | Professor Utonium

Kade Mortimer

See Also
Warner Bros. Love Exalted | Cartoon Network Love Exalted

           Cartoon Network Logo Love Exalted

TV Series
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Courage | Muriel Bagge

The Powerpuff Girls
Blossom | Bubbles | Buttercup | Professor Utonium

The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy

Ed, Edd n’ Eddy
Ed | Edd | Eddy

Codename: Kids Next Door
Hoagie Gilligan | Kuki Sanban

Powerpuff Girls Z
Blossom | Bubbles | Buttercup | Professor Utonium

Transformers: Animated
Optimus Prime | Ratchet | Bumblebee | Bulkhead | Prowl | Sari Sumdac | Issac Sumdac | Omega Supreme | Wreck-Gar

Adventure Time
Finn Mertens | Jake | BMO

Regular Show
Mordecai | Rigby | Pops Maellard | Hi-Five Ghost

The Amazing World of Gumball
Richard Watterson | Penny Fitzgerald | Carrie Krueger | Banana Joe | Steve Small | Rocky Robinson | Sussie | Louie Watterson | Molly Collins | Idaho

The Looney Tunes Show
Bugs Bunny | Daffy Duck | Porky Pig | Lola Bunny

Teen Titans
Robin | Beast Boy | Starfire | Cyborg | Raven

Ben 10
Ben Tennyson

Sonic Boom
Sonic the Hedgehog | Miles "Tails" Prower | Amy Rose | Knuckles the Echidna | Sticks the Badger | Dr. Eggman

Steven Universe
Steven Universe | Connie Maheswaran | Pearl | Peridot | Amethyst | Lapis Lazuli

We Bare Bears
Grizz Bear | Ice Bear | Chloe Park | Lucy | Ranger Tabes | Charlie | Darrell Saragosa | Officer Murphy | Karla

Infinity Train
Tulip Olsen | Atticus | One-One


OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes
K.O. | Radicles X | Enid Mettle | Dendy

Unikitty | Puppycorn | Dr. Fox | Hawkodile | Richard


Adult Swim
Regular Show
Mordecai | Rigby | Pops Maellard | Hi-Five Ghost

Smiling Friends
Pim Pimling | Charlie Dompler | Mr. Boss | Glep | Gwimbly

See Also
Warner Bros. Love Exalted | Looney Tunes Love Exalted | Powerpuff Girls Love Exalted | Sonic the Hedgehog Love Exalted | Total Drama Love Exalted
