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Bigweld is the overarching protagonist of Blue Sky's 2nd animated film Robots. He is a famous and acclaimed inventor responsible for founding Bigweld Industries in order to manufacture spare parts for the purpose of helping millions of outmodes in Robot City.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • Founded Bigweld Industries for the purpose of helping save millions of outmodes by creating and distributing parts for them.
  • Hosted The Bigweld Show, where he'd showcase his inventions and teach positive morals to his audience.
  • Using his company as a place for rookie inventors to test their inventions at, looking over each of them one-by-one and valuing them all even if they were flawed or had some sort of malfunction.
  • He was responsible for inspiring countless young robots to pursue their dreams of becoming inventors as well.
  • He remains humble in spite of having an entire company named after him and being a worldwide celebrity, greatly helped by the fact that both were created for or as a result of his aspirations to help robotkind respectively.
  • In spite of renouncing his position as the head of Bigweld Industries when Ratchet proved to be making the company more money, and later became jaded and lost much of his optimism that he had been known for (even telling Rodney to just give up on his dreams), Bigweld quickly regained his compassionate and hopeful personality after Rodney told him how much he had idolized him for all his life and wanted to grow up to be just like him.
  • Waved to all of his employees out of appreciation after they all began to applaud him when he returned to his company.
  • Standing up to Ratchet and trying to have him kicked out of Bigweld Industries to foil the latter's goals of exterminating outmodes.
  • Hired Rodney as his assistant at Bigweld Industries, even promoting him as his eventual successor.
  • Helped the robots who needed him when he got his position as the head of his company back by Rodney's father Herb the spare parts he needed and Diesel a voice box of his own that were denied to them before by Ratchet and Gasket.


  • He is one of the two Love Exalteds of Robots along with Rodney Copperbottom, who coincidentally, is his biggest fan and eventual assistant.

External Links[]
