Love Exalted Wiki
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♫Now, it's no wonder that her name means 'beauty';
Her looks have got no parallel.
But behind that fair façade,
I'm afraid she's rather odd—
very different from the rest of us...
She's nothing like the rest of us,
Yes, diff'rent from the rest of us is Belle!♫
~ Lyrics from the townsfolk in "Belle"
♫There must be more than this provincial life!♫
~ Belle
He's handsome, all right. And rude, and conceited. Oh, Papa, he's not for me.
~ Belle talking about Gaston.
Please don't leave me! I love you!
~ Belle's love to the beast that inadvertently led to the curse being lifted.

Belle is the female protagonist of the Beauty and the Beast franchise. She serves as one of the two protagonists of Disney's 30th full-length animated feature film Beauty and the Beast, Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas and Belle's Magical World.

She was voiced by Paige O'Hara, who also provided her singing voice.

What Makes Her Love Exalted?[]

  • She had no bitterness towards the villagers for making fun of herself.
  • She cares deeply about her father.
  • She was polite to Gaston, despite his inappropriate advances towards her.
  • She agreed to become the Beast’s prisoner so her father could go free.
  • When the Beast saved her from wolves, she went out of her way to take him back to the castle despite being scared by him earlier.
  • She called the Beast out on his anger issues.
  • When her father fell ill in the woods, she rushed out to help him.
  • She used the magic mirror to prove to the villagers that her father was telling the truth that the Beast was real, and insisted the Beast was not dangerous.
  • She stood up to Gaston, rightfully telling him the Beast was no monster, but Gaston was truly one himself.
  • She pleaded Gaston to show the Beast mercy.
  • When confessing her love for the Beast, she finally lifted the curse on the castle and the inhabitants.

External Links[]
