Love Exalted Wiki
People have the strength to overcome their obstacles–everyone can.
~ Belldandy.

Belldandy (ベルダンヂィー Berudandi) is a goddess (what the anime/manga calls angels) from Heaven and the title character of the entire Oh! My Goddess series. She first appeared to Keiichi Morisato to grant him a wish. His subsequent wish, "I wish for a goddess like you to stay by my side forever", binds Belldandy to Earth and subsequently sets off the main plot of the entire series itself.

What Makes Her Love Exalted?[]

  • She dedicated her life to helping mortals.
  • When Keiichi unintentionally calls the goddess hotline, she is willing to grant him a wish.
  • She refuses to look down on him even after Keiichi explains why girls don’t think highly of him, such as his short height.
  • Keiichi appreciates her kindness so much that he decides to wish for her to always be at his side. (Though he assumes at first that it was a prank.)
  • She is shown to enjoy Keiichi’s company, though his wish was unexpected.
  • She loves her sisters Urd and Skuld despite their personality differences.
  • Even when forced into evil, the worst thing she does is jaywalking down the street.