Love Exalted Wiki
Evie Holloway is a book worm that loves to read, but she can't read this article because it has nothing on it! Evie is mad and she will terminate the page if it isn't expanded within two weeks time.
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Ahh, fancy meeting you here, Princess! Remember me?
~ Anthony Higgs
Hey! Hey, punk! Don't you know how to treat a lady?! Man! You got no style! I think I have to teach you a lesson about subtlety. Come on!
~ Anthony taunting Ridley to protect Samus, even if it nearly costing him his life
Yes, sir! Time for us to go. C'mon, Princess. (...) Anthony Higgs, sir. Galactic Federation Platoon Seven. I need to secure the safety of any survivors- Commander Malkovich's orders, and the purpose of this mission. (...) Authorized by the chairman of the Galactic Federation, of course. (...) ...But man, you guys made it here quick! I mean, if I hadn't stopped the engines, we might've missed each other.
~ Anthony reveals himself to the Colonel

Anthony Higgs is a major character in Metroid: Other M.

Mike McGillicuty voiced him in the English version and in the Japanese version, he's voiced by Kenji Nomura.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • He is very loyal to Samus and treats her with great respect.
    • He has saved her many times.
  • He was upset by Ian’s death.
  • He stopped BOTTLE SHIP from crashing, saving thousands.

External Links[]
