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✔️ This hero is so courageous, loved and popular that this hero was voted most loved hero of: June 2024.
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I wasn't here when the Fire Nation attacked my people. I'm gonna make a difference this time
~ Aang before defending the Northern Water Tribe against the Fire Navy

Aang is the titular main protagonist of the first installment of the Avatar series: Avatar: The Last Airbender.

He is a young, quirky and fun-loving air nomad. An airbending prodigy, Aang was soon revealed to be the current incarnation of the Avatar, the only person who can bend all the four elements, and has the duty to bring peace to the world, balance between the elements and its nations, and be the bridge of connection between the physical and spiritual world. Not being able to handle the responsibility after knowing that he'd be separated from Monk Gyatso, who was like a father to him, he ran away, but got caught in a storm and froze himself and his flying bison to protect both. He wakes up one hundred years later, where it's revealed the Fire Nation is in war with the other three nations. With his new friends, Katara and Sokka, he needs to face the duty he once fled from, and bring peace to the world.

He was voiced by Zach Tyler Eisen.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • He is very fun and quirky, always making the audience laugh.
  • He is selfless and cares more about others than himself, as he allowed himself to be made a prisoner in exchange of Zuko leaving Katara's tribe alone.
  • He is very respectful to his culture, and gets angry if people disrespect it.
  • He's someone who truly learns from his mistakes and is ready to never commit them again.
  • His relationship with other characters is realistic, and he truly loves his friends even when they fight.
  • Is ready to forgive people, even heinous enemies, such as Zuko, unless they shown themselves way too far from redemption, like Ozai.
    • In fact, most of the time he tries to redeem and talk his enemies down before fighting.
  • Upon realizing they had to do it to survive, he stopped being jerkish with the refugees for occupying the Air Temple.
  • Called two enemy tribes out after they endangered each other by disobeying the guide and bringing food to the Canyon.
  • He helped random people across his journey to defeat Ozai many times.
  • His relationship with Appa is very strong, as shown when he is lost.
  • He stopped the Fire Navy from attacking the Northern Water Tribe as much as he could.
  • After Yue sacrificed herself to save the Moon Spirit, he merged himself with the Ocean Spirit to form a "Fujizilla", to destroy the Fire Navy and save the Water Tribe.
  • While he was in odds with Toph (and Earthbending in general) at the start, it was because it was the direct opposite of his bending and personality, and he learned to go after both of these problems. In fact, he and Toph end up creating one of the most powerful bonds in the series, in a much larger extent than simply master and student, but in fact, being almost a sister/brother to each other.
  • He stopped himself from going an easy ride to Ba Sing Se to help a couple with a pregnant woman cross the Serpent's Cross.
  • While he became very wrathful when Appa was lost, he calmed himself down, and when he became cold due to it, he managed to cheer himself up, and realize that he can focus on his mission, AND look for Appa at the same time.
  • Stopped Azula from breaking Ba Sing Se's wall.
  • Made the Earth King Kuei realize Long Feng's conspiration against him.
  • Tried to save everybody from the Dai Li, but was killed by Azula in the process.
  • He wants nobody to get hurt other than him, and even though he can get a bit too obsessed with it sometimes, it's out of genuine noble and selfless reasons.
  • He got a little obsessed with defeating the Fire Lord, which led to him losing sleep and suffering from both nightmares and daydreams, when team avatar talked him down, he allowed himself to rest a bit.
  • While he kissed Katara against her will, he thought she would be okay, and felt strong remorse, so it isn't corrupting.
  • He defeated Fire Lord Ozai ending the War once and for all.
  • He gives Korra powers and advice sometimes, during the Legend of Korra series.

External Links[]


           Avatar The Last Airbender logoLove Exalted

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Aang | Katara | Sokka | Toph Beifong | Suki | Iroh | Roku | Gyatso | Ty Lee | Princess Yue | Pathik

The Legend of Korra
Korra | Mako | Bolin | Tenzin | Asami Sato | Jinora | Ikki | Opal | General Iroh | Wan
