Just that? Lmao that's extremely underwhelming for a LE.
How does he count?
Hate to be late, but well, for one, this is a "Is X a LE" poll based of a II character, or at least a Object Show character, something one of FourNES's socks would do on this wiki with Cabby months back with no context, and you made one for One on the HS wiki as well, something FouryFromNES would do with Two, and on this wiki of course, in the "is Flower a LE" post, you explained why Object Shows were disallowed at the time, with FouryFromNES being the one who added most Object Shows to the Disallowed Pages, so that's suspicious.
I suspect this user to be another FouryFromNES sock.
Villains are not LE's.
Who's saying he is? He isn't on the disallowed pages.
Nowhere, the page is marked for deletion becuase if that.
You made a post of this months ago. My best reasoning why you are doing it again is because no one replied to thre last one?
It was already agreed on Discord she dosen't count anymore. Also, just because she has the occasional comedic moment dosen't mean she isn't too serious to count.
Oh, also this: https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Theengine234/Pure_Good_double_proposal:_Hal_and_Terence_from_angry_birds And this as well (which is now deleted for obvious reasonings): https://hate-sink.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Log?logid=12147 Yeah he tried to make a HS page out of his movie counterpart despite being a very obvious no-go.
Yes Hal is included in the proposal, but he dosen't count as PG anyway, and still proves your point more that the guy of straight up fixiayed on giving Terence a page on every wiki possible, and dosen't address his mistreatment of Chuck.
Plus the same user tried to give him a page on the MSP wiki just because he hasn't been proposed on any Moral Scaling wiki yet, aside from IH, in which he was rejected. I should mention though: "I doubt he's loveable considering how he acts as a nuisance towards his fellow birds," This is just one example of a flaw, and even then, he proctects them as well. Not to mention I don't think the user is trustworthy anymore, they tried to repropose him IH with basically the same arguments as the first one, only trying because "people misunderstanded about the Pig's being asshole victims", and their CE page for him was deleted because "Poorly written and knowing the user who wrote this is a BoHist I don't trust the info here".
Being subverted dosen't matter, it still detracts from his likability. Hate to say this, but Spongebob is never coming back to LE, and that's not changing.
Alright ig i'll let it slide, but that dosen really address what I said above.
Just because it is played for comedy dosen't mean it dosen't hold up. Also, you were cross-wiki banned for making neo-nazi jokes. Plus is there really enough to prove he was merely curious about the String?
No just, no. He is still too heinous to the point of being a IH, and his unlikable traits in S6 is still too much for him to count.
IIRC their was a MB Scrappy, which aren't really likable, and I haven't seen examples of a scrappy LE yet (yes I know that people are talking if Princess Elise, another scrappy can be a LE, but honestly no, the "kissing the freaking dead Sonic" scene is too disturbing for a LE imo), while LE's are supposed to be really likable characters.
@Victor 61516 Dont think those humerous moments is enough when compared to his seriousness though, plus you only listed 2 of them. It's basically the same reason Samurai Jack dosen't count, even though he has some comedic moments at times, on top of also being PG, becuase said moments are pale in comparison to his seriousness.
Can you please explain why?
"Fake Tragic can't count as Love Exalted". Littery how? Give me one example of a character who doesn't count because "Fake Tragic, which "can't" be LE".
She actually is on the pages needed section. (her page was deleted due to the initial page being a blank one).