I absolutely agree that he’s not LE, but when did he commit human trafficking?
I know that he did many illegal things, but I don’t remember this specifically.
Though, there are many episodes I could easily have forgot.
@Kodikos That wouldn't work since it doesn't make clear he trafficked sentient beings instead of objects.
It's better to leave human trafficking like @RubyDoesStuff said.
Not sure honestly. I can see him counting but we should define how much a LE can being serious.
BTW, I wasn't saying that the crime should be changed. It's fine like it is.
Yeah, makes sense.
Oh, right.
Well, that’s not technically human trafficking. Ballon trafficking?
Honestly I’m not sure we should disallow Seriously Good characters.
Being serious doesn’t mean that a character isn’t meant to be likeable.
I absolutely agree that he’s not LE, but when did he commit human trafficking?
I know that he did many illegal things, but I don’t remember this specifically.
Though, there are many episodes I could easily have forgot.
Well, I don’t know how the thing with comic books continuity work in HS and LE.
If we have to treat the version that committed that thing as separated then that version definitely doesn’t count.
He seems to corrupted for LE.
Yeah, an update is needed.
What is the point where a character can’t be LE? Like, being On & Off apparently isn’t preventing, and abusers aren’t disallowed.